Maryland cacti

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

I live in Baltimore MD - down the street I have been admiring a huge "eared" cacti. It has huge 5/6 inch yellow flowers on it. I stopped to admire and the owner said I could dig it out! I need to know how to move it and what it needs (other than full sun) what about fertilizer etc. It appears to be 3/4 feet wide and 2/3 feet tall. The owner knows nothing other than the previous owner planted it and it has been growing in that spot for 4 years. It there a good cacti infor page on the net?? Thanks for any infor I can get here.

Tokyo, Japan

Happyoma -
Sounds like an Opuntia.

If it's a big plant you want to move, I guarantee it will not all get there :O
Pad opuntia's tend to explode when disturbed - it's actually one of the ways they disperse themselves in nature.

If you have 5 to 10 years to spare for nurture and anticipation, then just saw off a foot or more at the joint, let it dry (corking) and then root in a pot of sandy soil. Once some roots get goin', transplant to the place you want it.
Soon enough you'll have a tree - no special care needed, 'cept good drainage.

Added bonus - if it's one of the really good opuntias, you'll get delicious fruit every summer. (Beware of spines though! :)

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Reading the hyperlink I can match to the prickly pear except the flowers are yellow not pink and it is blooming now and not in may. Interesting. I am excited to have it and am planning to move it soon (the heat here is preventing me from doing much right now). I did read that it falls apart some what in a move so I may be offering "parts" of it soon here on Davesgarden. Would any one be interested?

Tokyo, Japan

Happyoma -
Best of luck on the transplant - I had thought of the inevitable damage in a negative light, but your cheery optimism is refreshing! Yes! Share the joy!

The majority of Opuntias are yellow flowered - if you can post a picture later, we can try to id it. If it's the best of all pickly pears, then you can eat everything but the roots! :)

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