summer at last!!!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Well, can't complain about the weather this week, apart from the fact that I forgot how quickly my soil dries out!
I've just been for a stroll round my garden, and even if I say so myself,( I have to do that 'cos no one else strolls arouind it)it's looking good, especially in this light, some of the plants seem to glow in the evening, especially the evening primroses and mulleins. I came back in to get the camera to do some photos, only to find Hubby's taken with him.I'd love to go on a photography course as I find it quite hard to capture the depth of the garden, I'm sure there's loads of techniques that they use.
Life has been a lot easier this year with all our pots and baskets on an automatic watering system,best birthday pressie ever.Saves me so much time,aand will be a godsend when I go on hol next week. What I do have to do is try to get rid of some of plants that are in the pots on my side drive, they can take quite a while to water, even though we have two sprinklers on them, it doesn't reach them all,and I don't thibk my sister will be too chuffed if she has to keep watering them all.only thing hubby needs to repair before we go ,is the pump in the pond. Poor fish were gasping today, so I put the hose pipe splashing on it for a while. Some idiot (probably me! )cut through the electric lead to it in the pond,for the second time too !! But, I'm denying all knowledge.LOL.
It's been so nice just sitting in the garden,sipping cold drinks, reading mags, utter heaven.I'm going to make the most of it as the school breaks up tomorrow, and the rest of the hols will probably be a garden full of screaming ,manic kids, demanding lollies and crisps.Hope everyone else has had a good week too,

Thumbnail by sueone


Gotta love those school hols haven't you LOL.

You've been propagating a lot!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

As you lot in the UK got your summer we lost ours! My poor brother in law and his wife live in the rain-swept Yorkshire Dales and were looking forward to the hot sunshine I'd been telling them about. They arrived to rain last Tuesday (day 4 of the rain) and had rain solid up until yesterday (with cooler temperatures and landslides to boot) and I'm blaming the Brits for sending it south!!!

The sun is back today but it's only a measly 23° and my chillies and tomatoes need ripening. Come back summer - all is forgiven!

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Well today has rained all day here in Northumberland, even so I have been out there in the garden. the weeds pull up so much easier when the ground is wet.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

sorry Gerddi that you've got our rain :-) I don't like to brag but it's been glorios here today as well,(sun shines onb the righteous springs to mind! ) tried to tidy up the greenhouse today, getting toms tied in, taking the lower leaves off so I can see where I'm watering,emptying out the seed trays that haven't germinated, or sprouted weeds instead!trying hard not to see the big spider who keeps popping out of the woodwork.
My grounds rock hard at the mo,not that that stops the weeds from growing,never happy.
Unfortunately those pots in the photo Baa are only half the story, I normally send a load up to the school fayre, but missed it this year.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I don't think that rain isn't summer.. summer is sun and rain. It has been very warm and early summer this year, and we have had some rain too. It's ok to me, I wouldn't like to live in sunshine all the time. Think how expensive and boring to water your plants all the time ;P (sometimes we have to, on non-rainy weeks)

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

well we got the rain yesterday, absolutely poured, and yet what a glorious day today looks like it's going to be, guess you're right evert, summer is sun and rain!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I know we need rain and I don't mind it at all - only when it rains all day for more than one day it is unusual here and ends up causing landslides and blocked roads so is not a good thing. It's done my garden a lot of good. though.

We have showers alternating with sunny weather forecast next week, although not as hot as it has been. I don't mind though as I come from North Yorkshire and it's too hot for me when it gets above about 28°.

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