Succulents in containers

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

I am convinced that succulents are the wave of the future for containers. This season I am trying Sedums (low growing) as groundcovers with mixed results. Several are too aggressive. So they are now it pots and starting to 'drape' over for a very nice look. The maintenance is low, and I think the plants make a statement of their own. Before I was watering once or twice a day with some annuals (even with the water crystals).

Valley Village, CA

This has been the wave of the future for the past 5 years.
With people having less and less space for plants it's the only way to go. It also takes less water, less waste of water. Easy care, vacation time from gardening, these plants are relatively cheap. Great for gifts, great for disabled people,creative art or elderly, wonderfull as a learning tool for children, good socially, health, and so many more benefits. Go for it, and experiement.

Valley Village, CA

Think creative, you can really have fun with dishgardens, use old boots to pot up, Chinese plastic soup spoons*, red clay pot saucers with holes (all with holes*) flower sifters, tea cups*, troughs, bamboo 4" *, anything that will hold 3 plants, use driftwood, rocks, top dressing is a must. I made Chinese dish gardens, using 3 bamboo sticks 3/4 thick cut on a 45 degree angle, I also used a tiny Panda bear figurine, with catus gardens I use tiny lizards, or tortoise, every thing must be in balance to the eye, I use no glazed bowls, and I like them very low. I use uneven plants in quanities of 3-5-7-9 adding two rocks for 5 well you get the idea. Make sure you use different textures in your plant choices. The most important is that your plants need the same water requirements, and light. I don't mix African, or Mexican plants together, but that is a matter of choice. Color choices are also important to make an attractive total package. I hope this has been of help, I know there are books out there for sale on the subject. Norma

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