KathyJo and everyone

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

I sah your post and had to answer with a new post to be able to post a picture.

I grew a few Monstera Deliciosa's from seed a few years back.

mine is not growing to well, because lack of light. that will change soon :-)

but the one in the picture below is one of the once I gre from seeds. I gave it to my MIL she has a sunroom and the plant is just amazing... I love it. when I go and visit her I always have to look at her plant.

look how big the leafs are.compared to a bear can.

I'm so proud of that plant because I grew it myself.

Thumbnail by zameluzza
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

I have had a few in the past that bloomed, but it never occurred to me to look for seed. I feel so naive! That is indeed something to be proud of. Can you share your method of gathering and germinating seed? Maybe I will try again. I have a couple of selloums I think might bloom again soon. Maybe they will work with similar handling.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

from seed? That is so cool.

I have one of these plants and really love it, have never seen seeds. I will pay more attention. I had a start off of mine I traded a few years ago and the lady said I had the record for sending her the biggest plant in trade ever :).
I keep mine in a well lit glassed in back porch during the winter.. I really do think it needs good sunlight. In the summer I put them all outside under trees so they don't sunburn. I am getting ready to transplant my Monstera Deliciosa to an old wash tub.. The kind that has legs on it. Hoping that as it grows it will grow over the sides. I will need a skidloader to get into the house come fall.
oh and Zameluzza the pelargoniums and begonias are beautiful as well. Your Mom has quite the green thumb too.

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

Aimee I bought the seeds from the states. This one never bloomed. But since my mother in law has green thumbs and toes *LOL* I would not be surprised if it would bloom.

I think it takes a long time for it to bloom, and then a very long time for the fruit to mature... the fruit can be eaten. it is supposed to tased delicious...I never sah one or tasted one :-(

you should see her hoya... it has about 50 umbrels of blooms. that one used to be mine to a few years ago. but again with my windows in this old house nothing seems to do well.

I have to be patient a few more months until I can move my plants to the new home.

to germinate the seeds if I remember correctly.. the seeds have to be fresh and I just put them in soil (steralized) and just about half covered with soil. put a plastic over it and use bottom heat. as soon as they sprout I think it was 10-14 days (not sure) have to see if I have it written down somewhere.

remove the plastic, not all at once. and after that I just placed it under light. thats it.

hope this helps.

You should see my Monstera, hehehe it's about 8 feet high and has little leafs and most of them no splits :-(

I planted one under my tree outside, hope that one does better. but with all the rain and it's so cool at night I don't think it will do well there.

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