Starts or mature plants?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Would you rather start your houseplants from small starts or buy a houseplant already fully grown?
I tend to want to start with starts. I gives me a since of accomplishment to get something small and watch it grow.
I have been given full sized houseplants from time to time and still seem to have to break it apart into several plants or propagate it somehow.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Me, too, KathyJo. It seems more like mine when I "raise" it from a small one.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Not being good at growing from starts I really feel great when I can get one to grow.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

I too get the sense of accomplishment and pride growing something from a start or seeds. It has more (sentimental) meaning than buying it already big from a store.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I also really like to get starts from people I know. That seems to give my plants a little more history and sentimental value to me. I asked one elderly lady for the start of one houseplant and I left with several starts. I hope I will always have them to remember her by.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)


My sentiments exactly!

Most of my plants are from friends, neighbors, acquaintences, family members, Internet 'pals', & offices, restaurants, etc.

Everytime I look at and water my plants, I think of the people & places who gave them to me & they bring back fond memories.

this is on of those things i am realy bad about i will go to the store and buy a plant a nice big plant at a real good price and bring it home and hack it to pieces and start alll over

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

troy, fun though huh?

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