Jasmine Question

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Is it possible that my blooming jasmine is attracting little ants into the house? I've sprayed and sprayed and dusted and dusted all around the house and I'm still getting ants. It's those little wee ones. But they're only coming in around my jasmine plant which is blooming nicely. I'm thinking maybe the strong scent is attracting them? You think? Thanks for the help. "T" :)

It's a possibility, as some plants require ants to bloom. Ants don't like the smell of hot pepper (cayenne) so if you want, you could sprinkle the surface with the pepper.
I think I would move the Jasmine outside tho.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

There aren't any ants on the plant itself so maybe I'm wrong.

If the ants aren't on your plant, then spray around your doorways,windowsills, etc. with vinegar.Check for ant hills around the foundation of your house;spray and take care of those. Sometimes if you have just a small crack in your foundation,ants will come in.

Now if all else fails,find some uncles to go with the ants and send them on their way.....hopefully to ant heaven.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

The ants are not attracted to the Jasmine, but they may be attracted to the potting soil. Plunge the entire pot (up to its rim) into a sink or tub filled with water. Leave it for about 30 minutes. That will drive all the ants out of the soil in search of air. Then let the plant drain and return it to its location. Place an ant trap nearby to prevent future incursions.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you Will!! You're the best. I didn't think it was but the scent on this plant is so strong it was worth the question. I've already done the water thing and put a trap nearby. I've put lots of ant kill stuff on that side and corner of my house. I detest bugs in my home with a passion. I figure I don't go to their house ... they don't need to come to mine either. They weren't invited. lol Thanks again!! "T" :)

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

If you mix equal parts of boric acid and powdered sugar and add a bit of water to make a paste, put this out where they are and let them eat it all day, they won't return the next day. They have "passed on". Lou

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sledder, I've had a star jasmine inside for about 4 years and the only problem has been mealy bugs, never ants. Hope the suggested treatments work!

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