2 Qs Condensation AND split 'bulbs'

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

I felt I had to bag Hoya Rubra cuttings 'cause:

1. They weren't staying moist in the 50/50 perlite vermiculite mix. They were starting to wilt.

2. I haven't noticed any new growth. When I tugged on the pieces, there wasn't any resistance, so I'm guessing there's no roots yet.

After bagging 'em & putting 'em on top a (human) heating pad, & leaving a straw in the zipped bag to act as a breathing tube, there's lots of condensation built up inside the bag.

I have a feeling this isn't good. Is my inclination right?

What should I be doing instead, to get the cuttings to root & grow?

I have a group of Pony Tail Palms that have grown quite a bit since I got 'em last year sometime, although I've read they're slow growers.

Their 'bulbs' are starting to split. I've only noticed this on the bark of fast-growing trees.

Is this normal for PTPs too?

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

My Idea......

Try snipping some holes into the bag so that warmed moisture has somewhere to go.


New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Jennifer's idea is a good one. It is also important to use tip cuttings with no more than 4 leaves and a 1 - 2 inch bare stem. Did you allow the cutting to harden off overnight before you put it into the potting mix?

BTW, not all cuttings root, even if you do everything right. So don't get discouraged after one attempt.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Ponytail cracks in thebulb usually occur as a result of severe drought. Small cracks limited to the bark are not of concern. Cracks that penetrate the bulb are a concern.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the replies Will!

Hubby & I figured out last night that I was allowing the Pony Tail Palms to go too dry between watering, to the point of them 'deflating' & then when I watered them, they'd expand too fast, causing them to crack. Ooops!

As for the Hoya Rubra cuttings, they're a bit longer than 2 inches & each has less than 4 leaves. I received them in a trade.

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