Crasulady! Here is jade you sent me

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Along with a brug!
Its doing quite nicely! I told a lady how they will bloom. She did;t believe me.

Thumbnail by mingsmimi
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u probably meant Norma. i could never have sent u any succulents as i do not have any specially the jade kind. i am just now beginning to start my collections.... buying succulents and Cacti from HD.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

OOOOPPPPPPS Blonde moment! I am sorry . You sent seeds, Sorry. Now...what do I do?

Valley Village, CA

I love the pinapple doilies underneath. Who made those?
Thanks for taking the time to show me the pictures.
We just had our yearly weekend sale for the Huntington Gardens selling over $200,000.00 for the weekend. I hope this will help with the budget.
It was a blast, you should all get involved volunteering for a public garden, it's so much fun. I was able to purchase a surprise gift for one of you, that is on our list. Norma

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Sorry I had wrong name.So embarrassed.
Doilies,at estate sales here and there.
Your sale sounded wonderful! Can;t imagine how tired you must be! Its just 38 now. no one buying anything

Valley Village, CA

Well it's been raining all day. We lucked out, not a drop on Sat. and Sun. I just hope this brings us up to 5" for the season. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Just a note on cultural care. What ever hangs down cut off and replant. Jade plants should grow straight up. Trimming will get the trunk to fatten up. It's so good to see that little pieces that I sent out is all grown up. The plant looks very healthy, and growing fast. Next I'll send your lady friend a piece that is growing with the flower on the tip, but that can't be until December. So please remind me. Norma

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

crasulady - what bits do you trim to make the trunk fatten up? and btw, that variegated jade cutting you sent me got a lot of tlc but sadly never made it :(

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

so, you mean I should cut off that long'tail" it has?? I sorta liked that.
But. that is a good rule of thumb to remember. I do that when I cut hair. if it doesn;t fit. I make it fit! Works!! :)

Valley Village, CA

If you don't trim it off, eventually the whole plant will fall over. Perhaps you can put a book under the stem, to hold it up. Cut off the tips (rosetts) of each branch, not all at once. A few at a time, slowly, use a clean sterile instrument like a new razor blade. Cut just above the leaf nodes, where they are attached to the stem. When you lose a cutting please send me a note personally, another will be mailed. Don't be ashamed or bashful about it. Straight forward works for me. I keep saying that these cuttings should be done in the hot weather, they will sulk when it's cold. Mine are still sulking. Norma
PS Which variegated variety? All my plants went out with names.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

im not sure.. it was a white and green jade.. i really tried to save the baby, but one by one the leaves just shrivelled :(

Valley Village, CA

Lilith, the variegated ones are the most difficult and slow. That particular plant is 30 years old. I cut a snip here and there once a year. I don't let it get more than 8" tall. I do change the soil. It is healthy but not lush, grown very hard. It will also burn easily. Send me your address again, I toss them out as soon as I mail off the package. The note book got toooooo heavy as well, so tossed it out as well, with all the address. Crassula ovata, (oblique)variegated. Norma

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

you got mail, norma :D

Valley Village, CA

No got mail from you, where is it, the PC must of had it for lunch.;o]my square chin. he, he. I am just starting to clean out the Sans. for the summer, they should start growing as out weather is starting to warm up. Didn't lose any this past winter, I think I got the hang of it, after 5 years. Of course, we had a no rain winter, it has been the lowest rainfall in recorded history in Calif. I'm so glad I have a water stingy garden. Norma

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i've sent another as a test, lmk if you get it, if not send me an email and i'll reply to that address


Valley Village, CA

My email address is
Lilith, send me your mailing address

All of you keep any cuttings out of soil for at least two week, or in dry soil, do not water until they get roots, that causes rot if watered too soon. I try to send plants that can be rooted that time of year. No use sending plants now if they are winter growers. Norma

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

you got mail again!

Valley Village, CA

No I don't,

Are you still testing.
All of you send me your address. I got plants. Haworthia, which are small can grow in the house, with some light. These are donated plants from the Huntington. Norma

Been offered more plants from Stockton, send me your address it you want any, I don't know what they will be at this time as they are being donated to me. But I do need your address now. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Lilith, do you have a virus in your PC? That could cause it to kick back. Some one is sending me a message that has a virus, and my machine won't let me open it. Perhaps it could be yours. Check out your PC for me please, I have received no messages yet. I still need your address, how am I to receive it. You could send it to one of my friends and they will forward it to me. You have been added to my British list of friends. Do you know Marina Welham of the Amateur's Digest. She live in Vavcouver, she could forward it to me. Or send it to one of the other gals on this list and they will mail it to me. Norma

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

ok, i'll get my BF to check for a virus. i sent an e-mail to a company yesterday and they got it fine.. also hotmail automatically scans for viruses, maybe your email is full? anyway, i'll send my address to mingsmimi (hope that's ok:D). also, do you have MSN messenger? we could talk on there. my email is

This message was edited Tuesday, May 28th 9:48 AM

Valley Village, CA

No mail yet. I ususally respond within 24 hours. Just received a rejected message 10 minutes ago.

Valley Village, CA

If you just received another rejected message it was my PC.
Someone is trying to reach me, my PC. says that there is a virus. Don't who it is, Norma

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