Epiphyllum Soc. Information email addresses

Valley Village, CA

I didn't know that this was even available. This would be where you can purchase new varieties, all colors, that you are seeking, also trade. I'll list a few email address here for you. kohlpedro@email.msn.com
San Francisco cywatt6991@aol.com
San Diego Epiphyllum Soc. rbgdns@aol.com
Epi Soc. of America www.epiphyllum.org say hello to Peggy for me, thank you, Norma

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

thank you norma...i just got a whole bunch of cuttings.....like from 20 different plants.....lol....i will need the above....your a god send:)


Hi! I've curious about the bloom times of epiphyllum oxypetalum. It seems to me mine is blooming close to the full moon each month July-October. This month it bloomed 8/18 (2 blossoms), 8/20 (4 blossoms) in Philadelphia. Does yours, if outdoors for the summer, have a similar pattern? I don't know if this works on indoor plants. If it does, why?? That is, what is it about a full moon that encourages blooming? Does a particular kind of pollinator arrive with the full moon (not a wolf!)? What do you think?

Thanks, I'm cereus!

This message was edited Thursday, Aug 22nd 11:13 AM

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