bugs ear wigs

before they even start how do i stop them

sorry,gardenbug,don't know how to prevent them,only how to trap them when you've got them.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Aren't they the most *disgusting* bugs? Ugh, I hate those things! Here's a fact sheet from Ohio State University regarding the critters:


I'm afraid your best bet in preventing them is to keep things as dry as possible. Not an easy task, especially if you're talking flowerbeds! They really munched my dahlias last year, little creeps. We get them inside, too, but usually not too many and they're usually in the tub (so I can send them on to the city water treatment plant - hee, hee).

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Here is a fact sheet on them from Ohio State University.

I think they are what have been raising cain with my potted hostas. I also saw them all over my daylilies the other night. I might have to dust things with Seven.


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