wednesday, 4th April

Morning All, i am off to a plant market in wisbech in a few mimutes, to see what goodies i can pick up cheap, i will let you know how i do later, bye for now.

Oh, what a place, i was in a spin, they had a load of tree ferns there, good size, couldnt get near them though, so many people, but they had some very nice plants, didnt get any this time, to cold and wet to hang around, its missrable here again today, spring has been given the boot again, wheres Jo today ?.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Alan, have fun!! I hope you find all kinds of goodies. Lisa
***reporting a balmy 72*, should climb up to 87-90* today! Spring has gone and we are sliding straight into summer..

This message was edited Wednesday, Apr 4th 8:29 AM

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

good morning everyone the sun has come up this a.m. clouds a high of 54 hopefully today-but again we have northeast winds off the water so it'll be cooler here.
Im going to try to get alot done today-they said the weekend will be full of thunderstorms and temp 60.
I will pop back in later

Morning Lisa, how are you today.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Alan and the rest, I am fine this morning. A bit tired, but I'll wake up afer this 2nd cup of coffee..How are you? What kind of animal are going to kill today??? If you tell me a hedgehog, I'll be upset with you..(smile) Lisa

EEEErrm, nothing today, Lisa, i got to much grief yesterday, i dont think jo's even talking to me now, its turn cold again here, i like that coffee idea, might warm me up a bit.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

I don't think Jo is mad at you...seems like it would take more than stories to get her angry..LOL! She has a great humor.
I wonder if Daisy will drop in this morning?

Daisy wont be here untill after four your time, her server is different, did you try out daves chat room last night ?

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

I did Alan, but it took a long time to download(?). I have never been in a chatroom before, I hate to sound like a big dummy, but do you talk or type in one of those rooms? Is it something like we are doing here?

Its the same as what we are doing now, but a lot faster, go to daves forum, i will see you there if it is still going.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i use to go to excite chat everyday-they have a voice chat now besides the regular type kind-with pics and gestures.
I went to daves chat last night-I think its a great idea.

Alan I understand your killing the mousy-I would too! they can cause alot of damage and the GERMS!

Lisa-your so lucky 72 at 7a.m. Longing for that here!

Lisa, its not working at the moment dave was still have a few bugs with it last night.

Hi everyone, only been back from market about half an hour. Boring shopping is all I've been doing,k got in put the frozen stuff in the freezer and checked emails and worked myway thru forums to here at last.
Ah, it's good to be home !
Rob, regarding yesterday's tippex on the vole, I have the distinct impression that you need a translator next time you watch "The Godfather" 'cos that's NOT what they meant when they said they were going to 'erase' someone (!) :)

Love the poem Alan, lucky I know your sense of humour so don't take that seriously (it wasn't.... was it ??) LOL

Weather here is miserable although it's trying to brighten up after an appalling start and the sun's trying it's hardest to break through the slate grey clouds. Not cold though which is just as well as the wind is very brisk.

Everyone's been placing themselves on a map so I guess I'd better do the same. If you look at the 'bump' that Alan described that is Norfolk you'll see that if you go North along the right hand side of the country you will come across a Large river/estuary inlet marked as the Humber Estuary. I'm approximately level with this (actually just a little lower down) and almost exactly halfway between the east and west coasts. Got that ? OK, now look for the cities of Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester and Doncaster which sort of form a 'join-the-dots' diamond shape and I'm slap bang in the centre of that.
Pretty green countryside all round and not too close to any major built up areas.


Camden, NJ

good morning everyone it's 44 degrees F. Mostly sunny with alittle rain over night. i'm hoping good wheather continues.i'm alittle behind in my seed starting but have been working in the dirt some. still have 9 rose bushes to plant they really gotta be done today.. do you folks over there do much seed trading? i havn't started trading but have lots of seed to trade mostly veggies.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Alan, went to the chat room, but I am too stupid to figure it out! LOL! Hi drcaseyjr, I don't belive we've met! Hi Spikeyjo! I found where you live :-) LIsa

Hello drcaseyjr, i dont do veg at all.

Hello Jo, no i was inteneted as humour, i dont do that.

No trading here either but I understand there's a lot of it about nowadays so perhaps I should investigate. There's an awful lot of allotments in this area and you see many of the archetypal Yorkshiremen with the flat caps wheeling barrows in the roadside, said barrows piled high with manure or plants or cuttings. I've walked past some allotments and noticed that the people keep all sorts onj them including pigeons and chickens, not just plants so I guess there's a whole sub-culture going on there.
Looked at an allotment once a long time ago before I moved North but it was overgrown and looked gigantic and I had no 'muscle' on tap at the time so I declined the offer.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I dont do veggies either-I let my dh do that...Im strickly flowers and trees and shrubs.
Now we have a dr. in the "house"-welcome!
Lisa the chats pretty simple-Last nightmine like got stuck trying to post...hope dave works out the bugs!

Good for you Dori, i would rather go and buy a few, lot less hassle, besides more room for the good stuff.

Jo, i was trying to imagine you in that black dress with a flat cap, lol.

Jo, if you are still here, go to daves garden, go to trish, or dave help thread, come and join us in the chat room.

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come on patty, at least try it out

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patty, lisa has been in, she loves it, no one in there now, but try it out, you dont need to be a speed typer, see you later, bye.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good moring and welcome Dr :-)

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Patty - feeling better?

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, checked out the chat room, and posted but I don't think anybody heard! I'm not too keen on them and prefer something more laid back like this forum. Never mind Patty, the good weather has to come soon. At least, for us, I think it could be in the next couple of days. Are your storms bad this morning?

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a boring day ahead of me, seeking out another mortgage. Oh I will be so glad when I am well and done with all this stuff. I don't know how many years it's gone on now, but the constant moving is getting me down. I would love to say, for today I plan to go on a long bike ride in the country, take a nice bottle of wine, Italian bread and cheese and sit by the river. That's what I would like to be doing... :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Where's Alan gone? Chat Room no doubt! I think he's going to love it. Read your poem Alan!! I used to dabble a bit in poetry. I might just come up with one about this forum - if I get the time....LOL

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yep, love crab. Ask Alan about the crabs back home!! Vendors would come round our streets selling fresh crab caught that day from Cromer, a Norfolk seaside town. Well, needs must I suppose - gotta go and get on with the biz. See you later :-)

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hello anyone there?
Oh deary me, if you all abandon me for the chat room, it may be some time before I join you, I haven't a clue what I'm supposed to do????? Duuuuuu!

Misserable day here, but lovely sunny evening now. Hubby's come home with flu! Have to play nurse maid for the next few days!

Patty, how you feeling by the way? Have you got a bit more energy back?

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Gosh it's quiet here, hope somebody joins in soon.....

yooouu hoooo, any one home ?.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Hiya been to the chat-room, how do i do a message, it has message at the bottom but when i click it no response, never been in a chat room before.

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