What's that 'ball' hangin' off my plant?!

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

I bought 3 cyclamen from a garden center a couple of months ago. Once I figured out what they liked and didn't like, we got along fine.
But now, one of them has a ball at the end of a stem (looks like a stem, could have some other technical name) Anyway, is it another corm? I think that's what you call it. Can I plant it? How, when?
Can someone tell me or direct me to more info about cyclamens?
Thanx, Cecelia

Hello Celia - could this not be a fertilized flower and the seed capsule is developing.


Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

I have no idea Peter. If it is, what next?

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Let the seed mature, then remove it and the stem and let it dry in a cool, airy location for about two months. After that sow the seed in a damp mix of milled sphagnum moss that is covered to retain the moisture. Keep this in the dark at about 65 degrees for about 4 weeks for the seed to germinate. Gradually increase the light after it germinates.

This is not easy, but it can be done if you are diligent and like to try new things.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

WillCreed- is the whole thing the seed? Or are there seeds inside? How will I know when it is mature enough to remove?

This message was edited Monday, Apr 29th 6:47 AM


It is a seed pod (as the others have stated). The stem will spiral down towards the ground to bury it when it is ripe.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Sorry to keep repeating myself, but how do I know when it is mature or ripe?

When the stem has spiralled down to soil level it is ripe

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Oooooh. Okay, I understand now. It is hanging down over the side of the pot. I guess it's ripe for the picking.
Thanx so much!

My pleasure and yes catch it before it falls! Will Creed has given some great germination advice there.

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