Cool New Croton!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My mom and I puttered around Frank's Nursery & Crafts this afternoon, and I couldn't resist this croton. I'm not one to buy many tropicals because we have limited window space for them, but this was so unusual I had to buy it!

It's croton 'Victoria Gold Bell', a new variety. At first glance, it looks like other crotons, but take a closer look at the leaves. At the end of the long leaves, there are more leaves, little bell-shaped cup leaves. It's so cool! :)

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Crotons are pretty aren't they?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm thrilled to report my croton looks as good now as when I bought it last month. This sets a new trend for me; my outside gardens usually look great, but I tend to have pathetic houseplants. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Do they like being potbound? How do I tell when to transplant this to a larger pot?

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Most indoor plants do best when moderately potbound. Overpotting is one of the most common causes of root rot.

The best rule of thumb for repotting is to wait until your plant needs water again in less than 3 days following a thorough watering. That is an indication that there is insufficient soil to retain much moisture. Many houseplants will stay happily in the same sized pot indefinitely. If in doubt, don't!

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Will Creed, Horticulturist
Horticultural Help, NYC

P.S. You may be interested in my website at

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Will. :) I appreciate your reply, and I'll check out your site, too. I am a junkie when it comes to collecting good sites in my favorites.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

P.S. Almost a year later, and it's still doing great! It has lots of new growth now that the days are getting longer. I do think it has some mildew, though. It's not fluffy mildew like I've seen before on outdoor plants, though. At first I thought it was pesticide/spray residue from the greenhouse where it was grown, but I'm not so sure now. I need to cut out the dead/dying leaves and monitor it. Any organic suggestions or otherwise?

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