Can anyone tell me Please!!!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I have some House Plants that will be ok to put outside to use shade and wonder it won't get hurt so, really no room inside??? Thank you~

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Redrose, which ones? If you think about it, no plant is really a house plant. We take them from an outside habitat and adapt them to our homes or our homes to them. Most of the best houseplants are tropicals which grow in very sheltered locations under tall trees and dense foliage of vines and larger plants. So if you can provide them with those conditions, they will be very happy. You just need to make sure you don't let them get too much sun or cold, and some will require an environment with high humidity. You might be surprised to find that some actually do better outside than inside, because we tend to keep our homes too dry for them. Be sure to protect them from the wind, which will dry them out too fast and might damage their leaves and stems. And you might have problems with animals. Some cats like to sleep in the pots, others will use them for a sandbox. Wild animals might dig into the soil for insects, and insects will make the soil their homes, laying their eggs, eating the roots and stems. There are solutions for these problems. Good luck.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you very much Amiee so glad to know what do with this house plants, Thanks again~

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