calling all houseplant lovers

Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

OK I got a shoebox full of house plants this weekend. Some of the plants in there are :
kalanchoe tubiflora - chandelier plant
lipstick plant
aluminum plant
Zygo cactus - christmas cactus - white, salmon, and pink blooms
easter cactus - dark pink blooms
pachystachys - lollipop plant
ardisia - coral berry
kalanchoe blossfeldiana - flaming katy
philodendron - dark velvety leaves
jade - oval and tubular leaves

Most of these are already Rooted (Yahoo) but there is an Easter cactus not rooted.

Any Special Care instructions I should know about? Or a website that tells how to care for these and get the ones that bloom to bloom?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

tamlamb, I'm not following you around either..but the secret to planting cactus of any kind is to heel(or harden off the severed part of the plant..let this happen and you should see little hairy roots developing at the spot..take some potting soil(incorporate a little washed sand), make a hole in the soil mixture and plant the plants! Elaine

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