Didn't know this forum existed

Kittanning, PA

I was snooping around and found this forum. Which is now in my favorites.. :-)
Would like to know what cactuses are hardy to Zone 5 outside... I don't do inside plants..except for starting seeds...
If anyone has a website that would tell me and/or show pics it would be greatly appreciated.

Valley Village, CA

Welcome to this forum, you will find lovely people here.Go to the Cactus Mall and snoop around, you will be surprised what you see. This group posts information about web sites that show pictures. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Please tell us what you grow, ask questions we are here to help, and trade, and laugh, and tell stories about our plants. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Welcome to the Succulent forum SYR.there are about 66 different forums on DG. be sure to move around so u don't miss anything :D! ma vie

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