What's blooming in your yard?

There are a total of 145 votes:

Forsythia, witchhazel and/or pussy willow
(17 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Camellia, rhododendron, azalea and/or gardenia
(3 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Pieris, laurel, or saucer (or star) magolia
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Redbud and/or dogwood trees
(3 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Other ornamental trees/shrubs
(6 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Fruit trees
(8 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Just bulbs (daffodils, crocus and tulips)
(33 votes, 22%)
Red dot

(12 votes, 8%)
Red dot

Nothing yet!
(43 votes, 29%)
Red dot

(19 votes, 13%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Forsythia is finished here, and the daffodils, pears, plums, (well, most all fruit trees) are in full bloom!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Like the graphic! I just have crocus. sorta. they look good, then the snow comes and back and forth. I clipped off a few daffys and brought them inside incase we DO get all the snow they are talking about. I want to see them open. Strange winter. had snow the first day of Spring and its been yackie ever since

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Nothing is now. My crocus tried then froze out. Forsythia tried and they froze also. What a strange winter. It has snowed more within the last 2 weeks than it did all of February. "T" :)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

What a mean question!!! NOTHING not a darn thing!! unless you want to count the icicles!! I was working in the garden yesterday it was low 40's then the wind picked up-lots- and as i made my way to the greenhouse to put away my rake-bbrrrrrr
It started to snow!
Lilacs n forsythia have buds!!!!!


Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Witch Hazel is done the Forsythia hasn't started. We had a real mild spell then its been COLD for the past 2 weeks and suppossed to stay cold until Good Friday. Tulips and Daffs are just poking up hope they won't freeze .

Olympia, WA

Spring has arrived - but the poll doesn't allow me to vote in more than one category - Pieris, all spring bulbs, and forsythia are on stage at the moment - and a rhody just opened up (OK - it IS an early variety!). We had SNOW a week ago!!!!! Hi ho, hi ho, it's "to the dirt" I go!!!!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL, Dori - I caught your snowball full-face. And a well-deserved snowball it was, I know ;0)

(This question was especially hard to time, because of the wide range of climates among our membership; if we waited too long, the folks in the deep south will be enjoying their first tomatoes when some of ya'll are just seeing your tulips in bloom. Even so, we did want to ask the question; it's nice to find out where everybody is in the garden cycle.)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I chose "other" cause I wanted to click more than one choice. Forsythia is still aglow...plums, pears, and a few flowers have opened on the peach trees (most of the buds are still closed and hope they were protected by our 20* nite Friday). Lots of ground plants blooming; hyacynths, daylillies, thrift. (And asparagus is up too!! does that count!?) Apples and others are still sleeping.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I chose 'other ornamental trees and shrubs' but also have Geranium phaeum, lamiums, pulmonarias, narcissi, violets, celandines, Geranium macrorrhizum (2 types with a few flowers just open), Clematis armandii and in shrubs have 4 spp of Daphne - laureola philippi, pontica, odora and collina (though that ones a cheat, i just bought it), many more in bud, Coronilla glauca, V. tinus 2 types, chaenomeles 'Crimson and Gold' and one of my favourites for its spicy scent - Ribes odoratum - yum!!
Forgot - chionodoxa, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, a primula and of course, the gorse.

This message was edited Monday, Mar 25th 12:22 PM

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Pussy Willows and crocus but they are frozen now after a couple of nights back in the teens. sigh.....

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I said Forsythia because I just luv the sound of it! And if thsoe sticks that poke unelegantly through the ground with the yellow flowers along them are indeed forsythia as I have hopefully identified them to be....then The Forsythia is blooming along with the Daffy Dills and The Bowles Mauve Wallflower shrubs.

Herbstein, Germany(Zone 5a)

Nothings blooms with the exceptions of ice blooms. Oh am I jealous of all you lucky people. Cherry trees do not flower until Mid may, Peach trees do not at all, my Azaleas and Rhododendrons think about it st the end of May.

Greenfield, IN(Zone 5b)

Crocus and one lonely daffodil (it must have been confused!) today they are covered with ice! such is weather in Indiana!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Galanthus elwesii is the only blooming thingie here.. anyway, in the forest Coryllus is blooming :) And Hepatica is starting. Also Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite) is blooming at my friends place, and Crocus as well :}

I answered everything bc just about something from each category is blooming. Forsythia is still yellow but turning green fast, azalea, magnolia, and dogwood ready to pop but redbud blooming, mock orange ready to pop, lots of bulbs still blooming, lots are done, and 1 peach tree is blooming...

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Not a thing is in bloom in my yard although I have seen a scattering of crocus in other yards. The Forsythia do have buds and yesterday my daughter cut a few of the neighbors to force. Then we had an ice storm! Wonderful! Rose

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I have daffodils and hyacinth blooming. Also my sweet smelling daphne.....

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Which one have you got pebble?

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Hard to pick just one for me - I still have Forsythia, mine is always late, Azaleas are starting, a few daffs left, grape hyacinths & the pretty ones too, Anemones, Star of Bethleham, Green & Gold, violets, Camellias, the ones that didn't freeze, Bleeding heart starting, Oxalis,a couple of Tulips and of course the ever present Dandylions!! Dogwoods are opening, the Bradford Pears are about gone. I have loads of ferns & hostas popping up, also peonies. April will be the best!! That's when the wild Azaleas, Sweet Shrub and Dogwoods really put on a show here in our woods.

This message was edited Monday, Mar 25th 8:01 PM

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

I hope next year I can say, "lots of things" but right now just a few daffodills & they are about gone..there is one plant of asyllum (sp) that came up from last year blooming.
We are just starting & have a jungle of seedlings here. Ask the question again next year :D

(Zone 5b)

I like this one a lot. I've heard several people around me talking about how their perennials were coming up during the winter but I had nothing. It's nice to see what's happening here and everywhere else. - Reminds me what's good about the internet!

My daffodils have sprouted and started budding but no blooms yet. Daylilies were starting to get some fresh foliage, bearded iris started to poke through, and I think I saw some new growth on the helleborus - all in spite of our mild winter and cold spring.

The roses got some new growth twice during winter in between frosts. I'm curious to see what happens with them after they're pruned.

Still waiting for signs of my hosta, clematis, astilbe, other iris & lilies, and late arrivals.

Crossville, TN

What's a BLOOM? Unless you call the plastic grocery bags blowing around and catching on the mesquite (which I went around our area and "picked" last week) we have nothing in bloom at all!!! I am seeing a little green peeking up though...Hope SPRINGS Eternal!!! Jo

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

My new petite Irises emerged in mid February thinking spring had sprung (perhaps I should have planted them deeper!) I was able to enjoy them for a few days before our weather turned cold again. The big Iris have leaves that are growing each day & I took the opportunity to transplant a few whilst I still had the chance!

When not at work, I find most pleasure in observing the birds & watching them eat my homemade suet thanks to DG members' help & recipes!

Valley Village, CA

Oh dear, you are all going to hate me. All the birds are singing advertising for a mate, the Hummingbirds, Crows, Mocking birds, Jays, Sparrows,and Finches. I haven't heard the Owl this year. I would put bird food out but the squirell climbs up the poll and steals all the food.

Flowers, all over the place, the wonder of wonders is that I have Tulips in flower that have been the ground for the past 30 years, all colors, and we didn't even have that much frost this year. Azalia, fruit trees, all African bulbs,+ Aloe, Gasteria, Haworthia, Crassula, Mesembs. Freshia, Sedum, and Afrian Gerber daisys.
This a beautiful spring, but we have had only 4" of rain this year. We should have had 12-15 so we will be in deep trouble come summer. Norma

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

A few "daffydillies", and because of ice storm followed by snow tomorrow don't expect much for a week. Last year this time was working on the garden. (sigh) Did not have winter all winter, now spring brings it. : )

Rapid City, SD(Zone 5b)

There are loads of gorgeous white snow drifts here - they seem to thrive in the 5 degree temperatures and are not daunted by the ever scooping snow shovel.....just waiting patiently for my nose-hairs to thaw :)

Lorain, OH(Zone 5b)

It's official 15.9 inches of snow in 2 days. I finished planting my 5 new rose shrubs 30 minutes before the snow started. I had spent 2 hours the day before digging them up, in the pouring rain, from a McDonald's that is being demolished. I also got a Japanese Maple, 2 Yuccas, 21 Lava rocks & some Stella D'Oro Lillies & Dragon's Blood Seadum. I was only able to put the Roses in the ground, I put the rest in a protected site and mulched around it real thick. I sure hope that it survives.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I'm with RiseAnn. I picked "nothing is blooming", but I almost chose "other", because we still have bloomin' snowbanks here too. It warmed up some today and rained, which melted lots of it, but now tonight it's snowing again and the wind is howling. I may have tomatoes blooming under lights soon though, because I was a dummy and planted some of them way too early.

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

We're in the middle right now. Forsythia, Japanese magnolia, fruit trees, tulips, hyacinths gone already. Still have daffodills, redbuds, some flowering almond. Just going good are azaleas, dogwood, native azalea (bush honeysuckle), bridal wreath(spirea), wisteria, oxalis, iris, snowball, rain lily,tansy, Lady Banks rose. Popping the ground is tibouchina(princess flower), Mexican petunia, goldfish plant, brugmansia, cannas, butterfly ginger, phlox, got tea rose buds. I get depressed when spring is over, seems like nothing blooms. So now my efforts are into putting in more things that bloom summer and fall.

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

A lot blooming here, most of the bulbs are done, but a few late tulips are still showing off and a lot of grape hyacinths, Carolina Jessamine is about done, tho..the flowering crab is looking pretty now and another 2 weeks, I guess,the wisteria will be opening up to spread the scent..about the same time, the Bridal's Wreath will start its spring display....of course, the Redbuds are pink and pretty all over the town...AND in my back yard..

Blum, TX(Zone 8a)

I chose other because my lilac (shrub) is smelling so sweet. and I noticed a few pink blooms on an oxalis. The little grape hyacinths are everywhere.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Forsythia, and the beautiful Quince bush is covered with red flowers. Got black pussywillows that are just about finished, am putting in a pink one this year from the garden show. Crocus, daffodils and hyacynth are in full bloom, the dracunculas have multiplied and now have seven. Some vinca in bloom also. Oh, I just love spring!

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