Making myself unpopular I'm sure!

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Okay, here goes. At the risk of sounding whiney, a lot of this form seems to have become a travel planning journal
for going to Africa. Of course, it is interesting for those going, but I'm wading through all this stuff bored as snap!
It's great that Norma is going to Africa. We've all said that.
Now, for the rest of us, -what are you up to?

Valley Village, CA

Barbara, I apolige to you, the group asked me to keep them posted. I'll never report about Africa again. Thanks for tell me publicaly. Norma

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I am into feeding, misting and babying my plants right now..they're doing great! It is so very nice to go inside the greenhouse and smell the fresh soil and see the bloom! Elaine

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Whoops. You sound annoyed. Didn't mean to be anything but kind. Look at it from different angles. It was the differing travel plans/arrangements/reservations that aren't so fascinating if you're not involved. The closer your trip gets, the more the forum will be drawn into the planning.

We'll all be waiting for great reports on the Transveldt when you return. But there is a whole growing season infront of the rest of us, isn't there? Things like train reservations, and cities visited/ avoided,........would get
a bit tiresome for you if you weren't going, wouldn't it?

I did not want to upset you. I just wanted to hear from other people, who seem to have, of recent date, largely fallen silent.

Hey, if I thought you were an old'fart, I wouldn't say anything. But you have so much information and vitality to share, I miss your input on things I can actually relate too.

Aas an aside, my Uncle was one of the last Ministers of Education in South Africa. He was about one of the most bigotted, racist, mealy-mouthed Brit I have ever met. He is probably responsible for the poverty of the education system in S.A. As an American, you're probably going to have to bite a big piece of tongue'' when you're there.

Anyway, no offense meant Norma. I hope you believe me.

Lake City, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm not on this website much - but in Norma's defense - I think you should have perhaps sent Norma a private email voicing your opinion.

I for one enjoy reading about her trip and can relate to her excitement and I for one am glad she is sharing. Norma seems like a wonderful person who I've gain a wealth of knowledge about cacti & succulents thru the years on this website as well as others in the past.

Feelings were hurt and I think it was unnecessary to do over the internet. She titled her thread Africa and if you didn't want to read about it - scroll down.


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Wilkenson, you should have said what you said privately, or better yet, not at all!! It is Norma's thread and she can say whatever she pleases on it. Like TV chanels, if you don't like it, just flip chanels! There are several threads I am not interested in but I just don't read them, would never think of chastizing one for posting what is on their mind.

Valley Village, CA

Okay, all, back off, it's okay, and a point well taken. This is not my forum, and I want all of you to know that it's okay to say what you want to me. Im a grown lady, and I'm really sorry that I offend anyone on the forum, you all sounded so interested. Peace. Norma

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