Good News

Valley Village, CA

I am able to obtain a more update (more color)CSSA Journal. They are being mailed to me from Arizona. Norma

(Zone 5b)


This journal (March/April 1995) is so full of information that it will take me awhile to read it all. I think my favorite in this volume is the article on the Peyote Gardens. The journal is such a treat! It has everything - history, geography, anatomy, and color pictures.

Thank you again!

Valley Village, CA

I have two l989 journals, that are mostly black and white photos, but has a complete list of the Johnson's Echinopis hybrids, ISI introductions. Some color and black and white pictures of sulcorebutia, black and white of Mammillaria, this is mainly a cactus issue. If you are interested please contact me, and have me reserve this issue for you. Remember only 2 available. Norma

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

I received the 1995 journal yesterday. Thanks so much. It's so jam packed with information! I can't wait til I have time to read it. I'm especially interested in the African articles. My daughter and her husband are scheduled to go to Africa as Peace Corp volunteers next year and of course I will have to go to visit them!

I would like to receive a few more if there are any left. Thanks again.

Rose in IL

Valley Village, CA

Lets what happens to what I have, this is an experiment, we are hopeful of getting new member for the CSSA organization. I believe Jan-Feb issue deals with seed bank offerings for the year. Then they update the list as seeds are donated. Seeds are usually from top growers with documentation. It will state if open pollinated. I didn't send out any membership forms as I didn't have current ones available. So if you are interested in joining please let me know and I will give you the current address so you can subscribe. Enjoy the journal, the recent ones are so much better. The old ones have great information but not many colored pictures. The color pictures are possible by the amount we get donated each year. Thanks for letting me know that it has been received. Mindy our membership chair wants to know if your membership is coming from me. Thanks, Norma

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