av suckers

Perrysburg, OH(Zone 5a)

I do not have a green thumb when it comes to houseplants, but I try and try and try, I think I finally found success!!! I bought a couple african violets, and after reading the past posts, which was a great crash course on av's, I learned each of my violets had about 5 suckers!! I removed them and potted them up in little solo cups low and behold they're growing roots and new leaves!!!
I'm so happy :)Also after I removed the suckers from the mama plants they started growing like crazy almost a half inch taller in one week!! I couldn't believe it!!! Can anyone reccomend a really good book on av's??? When can I expect flowers on my new babies?? I've been to the Violet Barn site which is really great and Rachel's Reflections. I would love to hear any other advise you might have on av's from your own experiance.
I truely am glowing green with joy right now!!!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes I grow A.V. too. I have about 16 of them. Now I am going to buy me two tray and add rocks on bottom then put all A.V. pots on it.. SO I dont have to move and water them every time they need. To me. they are easy to take care.. THey are next to the window not in the sun but get bright light from window outside.. They had bloomed on all of them few weeks ago ... I feed them with A.V foods every time I water them. I enjoy grow A.V. Even I pulled few leaves and put them in water for rooting and it did worked and replant the new A.V. in pot.. I get excited when I have new plant to plant in pot. I am going to have more A.V. LOL

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