Norma succulents #2

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i could not take all plants in one shot. i also do not know how to combine 2 photo into one frame.

here is the second part...

Toshiba PDR-M61

Thumbnail by MaVieRose
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

These are really great. What is the vine looking one? I don't know the names of the others either.

Valley Village, CA

It's an Echeveria, that I gave Ma Vie. I keep forgetting its names, until I get it right I won't put the label on. I'll ask today. Good color. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

KathyJo... if u are referring to the heart shape spotted leaves it is commonly called as Rosary vine ... ... Norma sent/share all those plants with me.

Thanks You {{{Norma}}}!!! they are rooting on the damp soil.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the info MaVieRose.

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

MaVie, you got the wrong tag in there - it's a Ceropegia woodii, not a Senecio.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Maddy... if u check the hyperlink, that is the common name, the latin name is indeed Ceropegia woodii, in the family of Asclepiadaceae. i know!! i used to have plenty of those long time ago. i used to collect all kind of rare cacti & succulents, orchids and lots of tropical plants. just that freak of nature struck my life in a very unfortunate way. i am starting to garden & my life all over again at this late stage. i try my very best to post links to the best of my knowledge, not to mislead.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

MaVie so exciting to see your photo the first time I see and it is so pretty look fine and healthy, thank for sharing with us. I enjoyed it~

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're welcome Debbie =). there is also part1 pictures cause i do not know how to put 2 frames together. go back to the Succulent thread and see the other plants Norma gave me for postage. Thanks U Norma :)!!! ma vie

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

I know you provided the correct link, MaVie, all the more I am wondering why you have a Senecio tag in your Ceropegia. Senecio is a genus in the Asteraceae (Compositae) family and not a common name.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


the tag is not made by me, the tag came with the plants when Norma gave me those plants. meticulous as i, since someone ask what it was, i have to double check for the proper identity!

Valley Village, CA

Good catach Maddy, I glad that you corrected that mistake. That was a dumb mistake, I know that plant like the back of my hand. I have some of the weirdest Ceropegia from that family, all cousins but different shaped leaves, long and narrow, spear like. round like peas, all are vine like, different markings, some with large leaves, some very miniature. Thanks Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


i caught the error even before Maddy pointed it out! when KathyJo ask the question. i try my best to be accurate as possible before posting any respond to inquiries. i am also concious of the fact, most of what we post here on DG forum is also posted on Google search engine. i hope everyone is aware of that! as much as i do research i often see DG forum or database is mostly on Google search engine. just my two cents.

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Now there, ladies, don't loose any sleep over it - we all make mistakes at times! I can work with a plant for years and then suddenly forget it's name. I call it 'information over-load'. ;-)
I didn't mean to point the finger on anyone, just thought I would point out the mistake to alleviate any doubts. You all know how it is with that internet: Put one wrong tag into a pot, and a month later half the US calls the plant by this name. Unfortunately rumours and common names seem to spread a lot faster than correct names.
maddy :-)

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