Norma succulents #1

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Norma... here are the babies u share with me. check it out! did i do justice on them? what do u think? they were planted on predamped soil i mix myself. so far they have not been watered yet. when the weather settles down they will be taken outside in the garden. Thank U... ma vie

Toshiba PDR-M61

Thumbnail by MaVieRose
Valley Village, CA

You take great pictures, I wish I knew how to get them on the screen. I wish you would leave them dry until they develop roots. You are taking a chance on rot. The rooted ones can take the water and fert. now. Hugs, Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Thank U Norma... it is not me but the digital camera and the software that came with it. i try though;)!

i am not taking chances. it is damp NOT wet! soil is somewhat dry now! i will wait a week before i water them. if i may say so... they are doing GREAT. shades of green are slowly creeping in.... and thanks for sharing these lovely plants with me... ma vie

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

This so pretty too and look pretty color in the box at the bottom floor what it this (LOL). That picture look great!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Debbie... i place a lamp over the plants to show them as clear as possible. the plants outside the box were duplicates of the original plants Norma sent me. i had them all in the box, cause i was intending to take them outside the following day. they have grown quiet a bit since i last took this photos. i will be posting more pics of succulents in the future. so keep watching the Succulent thread. ma vie

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