More new succulents - need some advice

(Zone 5b)

I can't believe the variety of succulents I saw at a local Home Depot! My favorite greenhouse doesn't have that many. Apparently I'll have to get there the day they get in though because as exciting as it was to see such a variety, it was just as frustrating to see lots of them shriveled & dried up.

Regardless, I bought several that either still looked great or looked like they would plump up again and they did! As usual I got carried away but I'm really excited and can't wait to post pictures to see if anyone can help identify a few of them. I think they're all either escheveria or crassula. Among others, one looks like it has teeth, one looks like a tiny tree with tiny leaves, one has a bluish tint on the leaf tips, and another has a pinkish cast - very pretty! (unfortunately H.D. doesn't identify their succulents other than "assorted").

That's the good news. Now I think I'm seeing what might be spider mites on one of them. I'm not positive that's what I'm seeing yet but I don't want it to get that far. Everything else looks so clean and healthy and I'm determined to keep them that way. Spider mites don't usually cause problems for me because I keep all my houseplants clean, and when they go outside they get a treatment of a systemic powder mixed into the soil. (and yes, DH used to think I was compulsive for washing leaves until I got behind on it once & he saw the difference)

Usually, my biggest problem is those blasted gnats, which I'm really surprised to see on these new succulents! But the soil in the larger succulents seems to dry much much slower than anything else I have (it's been 1-2 weeks and I don't see any sign that they need more water).

If they weren't succulents I would simply wash them with soapy water and mix some of my "magic bug powder" into the dirt. But can I do that with succulents?

While I'm at it, should I repot everything with new soil to stop the gnats or can I ignore them until everything dries up again? If I should re-pot, what soil mix should I use?

Valley Village, CA

WOW, I will try to help, and the rest on the forum will do the same. Always take plants that you get in WalMart or Target, Sam's, Lowe's out of the soil, wash the roots of in soapy water. The gnats come from the soil mix. It probably has material in it that gnats live on. You may also use soapy water, if the plant has a bloom (meaning a powdery coating)it will come off, and that won't be good because that is what it protects it's self with against the sun.
You're great, keeping their beds clean, they will do well.
Now about the soil. You may use orchid potting mix 20% washed builders gravel 20% and if you can get any kind of pumice, horse stall dry, crushed brick, stream gravel, bird gravel. You must keep the soil fast draining, the pot must have a hole in the bottom, put piece of paper over the hold so the mix won't come out, or a piece of window screen to keep bugs out and dirt in. If you need more information don't be bashfull be sure to ask. Now I'm going to look at your pictures.

PS There are at least 50 receips for soil mix, and I just got a complicated one today from New York. I add bone meal to my soil, not much 1/2 tsp. per pot, charcoal, sometimes I use a hammer to by clam shells and add them, oyster shell is also good.

(Zone 5b)

Can anyone help identify any?
Please see my journal for pictures.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

#1 is commonly known as tiger's jaw ... # 10 is a regular jade plant ... #2 is chinese jade plant... # 3 is similar to #10. #4 a type of aeonium, not positively sure, hard to see ... #5 too dark to ID some kind of jade others are too dark to see. #8 same jade plant as 3 & 10. last one ... haworthia comptoniana...

i tried. others may have their own opinion. i stand corrected if i made an error... ma vie

Valley Village, CA

l. Faucaria (tigers jaws)
2. portulacaria afra (elephants bush)
3. Crassua ovata (obliqua)
4. Crassua ovata (could be a smaller form)perhaps Crosby's
5. Aeonium, Echeveria, Semp. picture doesn't give me a clue
be sure to take off the bottom leaves, they look rotted
6. Adromischus maculata +dup nice plant, good color
7. Too dark may be a Kleinia/Senecio if it has blue leaves
with the groove up the middle
8. Echeveria
9. Portulacia afr. variegated, and a very nice plant
10.Haworthia retusa

Make sure that these get more light, gradually, and I think you will be very pleased. Please check back with me in a month, expecially on the Haworthia retusa #5 also.
Enjoy, you picked out a nice selection. Norma

Valley Village, CA

l. Faucaria (tigers jaws)
2. portulacaria afra (elephants bush)
3. Crassua ovata (obliqua)
4. Crassua ovata (could be a smaller form)perhaps Crosby's
5. Aeonium, Echeveria, Semp. picture doesn't give me a clue
be sure to take off the bottom leaves, they look rotted
6. Adromischus maculata +dup nice plant, good color
7. Too dark may be a Kleinia/Senecio if it has blue leaves
with the groove up the middle
8. Echeveria
9. Portulacia afr. variegated, and a very nice plant
10.Haworthia retusa

Make sure that these get more light, gradually, and I think you will be very pleased. Please check back with me in a month, expecially on the Haworthia retusa #5 also.
Enjoy, you picked out a nice selection. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Sorry about the double message, norma

(Zone 5b)

Wow - Thank you both so much!

I'll update my journal and get everything I can about these into the Plants Database as soon as I can!

Valley Village, CA

Cheryl, don't be so quick. I would certainly like to take a look at them a month from now, and you must remember we only saw pictures, no flowers. I can't tell from the picture which Faucaria it is, etc. So please go easy on the Data Base. Norma

(Zone 5b)

I'll edit my journal and wait with the Database entries until it's definitely correct. And I'll work on getting better pictures while I'm at it.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

that sounds even better Cheryl. some of u're picture is so difficult to dicypher. there is one particular one i am in doubt of... #7. pls. try to use a lighter background while u are at it. thanks... ma vie

Valley Village, CA

I would like you to spend some quality time with me after I get back from my trip and help me set up my equipment so I can send pictures like you. I have no complaints, I just wish the plants were in better condition. I know where they come from, I know they sit in wharehouses for days, then they are sent to the store to sit inside with not proper lighting, so please let them get some good sun, little water, so they will color up. I would like to see before and after pictures. It's not you, it's the plants.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Norma... are u referring to me? LOL. what kind of digital camera do u have? Girl... u got to learn how to use it now, before u leave for ur trip.

i change my hard drive. it's been too long since i used my Toshiba digital camera. last night i installed the software, but was not working properly. i called Toshiba Tech support - they were very nice in assisting me to fix the problems. took us nearly 45 mins. to find the problem, but the young gentleman was so nice to put up with an old lady like me. to make the long story short... when i was left alone, i found myself having difficulty remembering all the tasks i once knew so well. took me a while, but i got it straightened up.

i know what u mean about the plants not having enough lights. which is why, when i just buy a plant or trade, i keep it indoors for a while. then gradually hardened it and get it ready to go outside.

the plants u sent me were planted the night they got here. i had some premix soil i mix myself. the mixture was predamp too. the plants are looking good. no, i have not watered them. weather outside is just bad, so i am momentarily keeping them in till i have the chance to harden them and gradually introduce them to the sunlight. it is 46 tonight w/ winchill of 40 deg. F. winds blowing wild and whistles as they zoom by. gusting at 15 mi./hr. let me take a pic of them. i have to open another thread to show photo. brb... mavie

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