Wanted Sedums/Succulents/Cactus

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello Everyone,
I am hunting for succulents,cactus, and especially any sedums hardy to zone7 to add to my new desert/rock garden-idea flowerbed. If anyone has any they can share, I have some plants, seeds, houseplants, and shrubs to trade or I can SASE. Thank you. :)

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

CB, I have a sedum that I got about 5 yrs ago in Indiana. Each fall it sends up "stems with heads" that become purple flowers. After it blooms & dies back, it mutiplies itself by little "rosettes" where the bloom stems come out of the soil. I know this sounds strange but it is a very interesting plant. My Production Mgr @ the Farm said it was "some kind of a sedum". (So much help fr a Master's Degree)
When it warms up a little & I get outside of this house, I could send you a few. LMK

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i have ground sedums that id luv to trade! I have at least 4or 5 kinds!

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh Thank You so much Smockette. Yes, I would love to have some of your mystery sedum. It sounds interesting and pretty. Let me know when it is warm for you and I will send you some postage or if I have anything you would like on my trade list. Thank you bunches!! :)

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello notmartha, :)
Please look at my trade list. I will have some more plants and flowering shrubs in the spring to trade. I would love to trade for any sedums you have that might be hardy for my zone7. Thank you for replying and offering. LMK if you see anything on my list. I can't wait to get this garden going---I know it will be pretty. Can you tell I am looking forward to the warm weather? LOL :)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi! If you are interested, I have some prickly pear cactus that are hardy. Also have sedums. Just don't send me any food! LOL

Valley Village, CA

Did all of you check out the trade/seed/plant list on the right side of the screen. Norma

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Sometimes it is easier to post where the people are that have the things you want. :)

West Monroe, NY(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone. I just joined Dave's garden and was looking for Sedums/ Cactus/ succulents that I could SASE for. I am in zone5 so these would be inside plants in the cold months and outside in the humid summer months. Thanks.

Valley Village, CA

I just want to remind you that some cactus perfer to be outside in the cold months, they need that cold dorment period to flower for you the coming spring and summer.

The Sedum could be Sedum telephium 'Autumn Joy' or 'Indian Chief' 'Pink Jewel' 'Ruby Glow' 'Vera Jameson' 'Autumn Glow' 'Munstead Red' all are similiar. But grow in the same manner. The subgenus is Hylotelphium this information has been taken from Sedum Cultivated Stonecrops by Ray Stephenson. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Hey Norma. You've done it again!! There are some of the other names I didn't mention because I knew they were just 'hybrid handles'-but Autumn Joy, Ruby Glow, Vera Jameson. Those are what I was talking about! You're a whiz with the latin!!

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

So, -how do I propogate these guys please?

Valley Village, CA

Take off a stem at the base and stick it into the ground. Cut off 1/3rd of the top. It's still time because they have not flowered. Then they will die back after flowering, so don't be alarmed, coming up again in the spring. The can and will take any cold and do better for it. Barbara I think I can send them into Canada. I will declare them as a gift and see what happens. I will send them in a plain brown envelope. So all of you send along your addresses, privately, please. Out of country is very expensive, so expect tiny pieces not rooted. Norma

Valley Village, CA

The names I mentioned above are not Latin names, these are the common names of hybrids. They can all withstand very cold weather. Also S. sieboldii please check the spelling I know I'm not correct. Dont have time to look up tonight.

Valley Village, CA

232 hits and no one sent you anything? I think Jeff Harris might have exactly what you want. Right now I'm up to my eye balls in HOya exchanges. Try me in the Spring.Norma

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, I have a hardy cactus that I would be willing to share a piece of if you still want some: a cholla that survives zone 5/6 winters. I got a well-branched one a couple months ago, the grower said he has had it outside for more than 5 years. The stems root where they are dropped or planted. E-mail me.

Valley Village, CA

All Sedum can be started with cuts of stems or leaf. Those of you that live in the cold winter climate, I would especially look for the European varieties. They can take everything the weather gives them and more. Try also sempervivums. Norma

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

I have some sedums I could send: the low ground cover that blooms little yellow flowers sometimes, a pinkish one that is low growing (cauticaia) and some blue spruce. I think that these are all hardy to my zone 5 so they should work for you. The little yellow flower sedum really grows fast and is a good ground cover. My neighbor has some Autum Joy that I'm sure she will part with.

I'd be interested in trading these for the spider plant and ferns. Oh and I also have some jade, but they wouldn't be very hardy, but if you'd like to try it, I'll send it too. Just let me know your address. I'll send you mine thro an email. Rose

This message was edited Tuesday, Oct 8th 3:57 PM

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi CB, I got your plants in the mail last week and they are looking fine! I really appreciate the trade. You are very generous! Thanks so much.

Here is a picture of my dessert garden I finally planted over the weekend-all hardy optumia. We'll see how well they do through the winter. I'll add your sedum to them also. Rose

Thumbnail by roshana
Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

I am glad you liked the plants and they are doing well for you. I wish you much success with your desert garden and I hope it all makes it through your winter. If you need anymore groundcover sedum, let me know. I have plenty of it to share. Thank you for trading with me. :)

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