UK Weather

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Just spoke to my mum who's in Bedfordshire and also saw the mid-day news here concerning the awful weather back home. Flooding in Wales, trees down on the East Coast and Yorkshire possibly most places. Hope you are all OK and not experiencing the worst of it!!

I can think of much better things to keep me up all night, beggers can't be choosers I guess LOL. I heard several dustbins go skipping off up the road.

There was a report of an uncomfirmed recording of 95mph gusts on the Needles on the Isle of Wight just south of me. Seems to have calmed down to about 20mph right now though.

I hope everone else is ok and thanks for the thoughs Louisa :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Louisa, must admit I didn't sleep much last night, i kept watching my fredmontodendron swaying away from my bedroom bay window :-) was sure that it would be down by morning, despite being lashed to the wall ! hubby would have been delighted as he hates it, especially when he has to prune it or put up my Xmas decorations,it 'get's him' as he puts it, the hairs really irritate him, he got them in his eyes last time.
We seem to being lashed with hail storms now, just to ring the changes a bit.It seems to be the norm now in the winter these gales.could be worse I suppose,at least i don't get flooded as i'm high up on a hill, ind you, i'm not too keen during storms.when we had a ferocious one last year i nearly freaked, the sky was going all colours with non-stop lightening, I had to sit downstairs with my daughter who was crying and really upset, we sat in the frontroom, with the lights going on and off, hail coming down the chimney, the air wreaked of cordite, you'd have thought we were in the middle of a battlezone,so i think perhaps i'd rather have high winds than that again!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sue I grew the Fremontodendron back home on a south facing wall - I just loved it!!!!!! No, winds are not funny and storms can be deadly!! It seems the weather has really changed in England since my departure nearly 5 years ago. I can remember having many droughts and huge water bills, when the restrictions were not applied!! More often than not they were!! But I had so much to water!! Funny thing, we were supposed to have temps in the 70s today here but the weathermen have got it wrong - again!! An arctic blast is coming down from Canada and the winds are picking up now. Wind is the most destructive element in the garden!! Just burns everything!! Course, we don't experience the worst weather in the US!! I believe this part of Virginia is the most pleasant. An occasional ice storm, no tornadoes to date that I know of and hope will never have to encounter. I came within a few feet of one when we lived near Norfolk VA and that was bad enough!! Well, like I said hope it gets better for you and Baa it sounds as though you escaped the bad stuff - may it continue that way!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It was still horrendous when i had to drive long way on M25 this morning. V strong wind still, in great gusts, and rain/hail. Went to some woods near Haslemere and there were a lot of trees down - mainly small, but one enormous branch had fallen from a massive beech - glad not to have been under it!!
Calmer this afternoon, but still chucking it down as i drove home and some impressive hail stones.
If there's one subject we Brits are good at waffling on about it's this one. Thanks Louisa for giving us all the opportunity to indulge, and it's a little bit of home for you, LOL. :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't ever believe that the British are the only ones who talk about the weather!! It has to be the most talked about conversation piece over here and I am joining the millions who watch the Weather Channel on TV which is broadcast 24 hours a day!! Who can blame them! The climatic changes from State to State are incredible and in the blink of an eye can change to dramatic scenarios!! So you might say that for me it's home from home :-)

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well today we have had, sunshine, rain, hail also thunder and lightning funny at this time of year, and the wind is blowing hard, they had to close the M6 not far from us but luckily i did not have to use it in that direction. Lorries have been overturned on it at the Thelwall Viaduct and the Barton bridge going to Manchester. Now last year the weather was very quiet just about 3-4 months of very cold dry sunny weather. Its been so warm here i have had to go and kill loads of greenfly off my roses and no ladybirds in sight.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A bit wet and windy lately here. But we had some sunshine this morning which was very very welcome!

Good Mornin' UK' Thought I'd pop in and say"hey"' Our weather as probably yours,has been a roller coaster all winter here in Kansas' The Ides of March I always dread and for good reason,my fruit trees suffer,nectarine/cherry' We never had the temps to properly spray last fall nor so far,this winter' Hopefully,little or no damage this year'Our snow is nearly a memory with very cold temps,now at 3 degreesF this morning,then up to 50's today,again hopefully' Looks like another(7th year)of severe drought again' I don't envy your terrible storms Sheila but nearly have forgotten what a thunder storm looks like,lol' Think too,I'll get my emergency (tornado kit)ready,may be sooner than normal this year' Didn't mean to go on so much so have a great day' Sis'

Must admit here that this Winter hasn't been unusual in Hampshire, last Winter was unusual for the sheer amount of rain we had. We tend to have gales and rain here, its not Winter without at least 3 weeks of it. March hasn't come in like a lion so end of March bodes well for a few more storms and then Blackthorn winter in April and Spring will truely be here.

Why do you dread the Ides of March Sis? You don't have a friend called Brutus do you ;)

Don't know anyone named Brutus,lol'

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Beautiful sunny day in Seward, Alaska. A bit cold, but at least it is not snowing! We're a coastal town, so we get our share of winds along Resurrection Bay. Our house is about five miles out of town, and we are sheltered by mountains and tall trees, so it's never as windy here...thank God! I can recall when I lived in town, having to chase our skiff down the icy streets when it came unlashed from the truck!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well today has been a glorious day, lovely warm sunshine, could get used to it, so have been potting up a few perennials this evening as its staying light until after 6 pm,but we are supposed to be getting the rain tonight with a lot of wind.Also planted a few Mimulas(monkey musk)by the side of the pond as i believe they love it there.Wont be long before the clocks change again, oh how i hate winter with its dark cold nights.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Oh, Sheila, you have mimulus. I love them. I grow them from purchased and collected seed in my yard, but we also have a wild yellow mimulus that grows near ponds. One doesn't see it very often, but it's a treat when you do! I'm afraid I've a long wait until I can pot up my perennials, since the snow is three feet deep out there!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Oooooooooo three fooot deep! Brr! I'd better stop grumbling about the rain and the wind!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Northerner: I guess my snow is nothing but a lot of rain with cold air in it, so we're about equal! With any luck, it will start to melt around here...someday!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Is it still cold and windy?? Understood the weather improved but then went down the tubes again. Lots of rain over here but so glad of it. Maybe the drought situation is improving at last!! Keep warm :-)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It's pleasanter today. 2 days ago it was blowing a (cold) gale and absolutely sheeting down here in the SE. Further north were enjoying a balmy spring day - that should have been barmy!!
Climate's turning on it's head

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Phil the whole world is turning upside down!!

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