New free offer for postage only

Valley Village, CA

The next offer will be some Schick hybrid (Echinopsis) offsets. Some will be named and others will not. These are usually sold at $7.50 or $10.00 These will be only for those who are actively participating on the forum. I must wait until all the journals are mailed out. These are to die for if you like cactus, flowers all colors except blue or black. There is actually a beige flowered hybrid. There is actually over 250 different at this time. I only have about 20 different. Norma

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

norma... me me gonna go look this up and see what i can find out.....also, can you give me any care on the echveria prolifera you, talk about a magnificent plant.....i was waiting for a about xmas in february....all i can say is 'doing the happy dance'....woo hoo.....:)


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Echinopsis is what i commonly call a ball cacti cause of it's round shape and prickly torns. here is a hyper link...
the variety or specie mentioned also shows if u scroll down the the page.

Valley Village, CA

You made me giggle tonight. How nice of you.
Schick Hybrids are an exclusive offer by the Huntington Gardens. Each year they introduce these plants in the Journal. They have 25 years of research after the Johnson hybrids stopped. The difference is that the flowers last more than 1 day, they are larger, stronger. Each will have a family history of 50 years, all recorded. Dr. Schick was a spider specialist and professor, even wrote a book on spiders for the classroom. Now he is a charming dear, shy modest man that has a lovely wife who is very outspoken, they are also my dear friends. The flowers are equisite large, having petals of different shapes, ruffles, spikey, rounded and laid back, stripes, 3 tones, you name it he did it. ant suggestions where I can get small boxes free? Norma

Valley Village, CA

I believe if you go to the Huntington's Web site, you find pictures of these in flower. Let me know if you find it. I haven't had the time to look at them myself.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


i did had numerous varieties of Echinopsis sometime back. their flowers were very lovely, but i hate the torns. the species i had was bought from Lohman's when they were in Bellflowers, others i bought in the city of Carpinteria. i have never been familiar with the Latin names of plants until i got heavily involved in helping others find the right name of their specific plants. those ball cactus i call, if the latin name is not present, i used to clasify them by the color of their spines, if not the color of their flowers. i have Huntington's Library in my bookmark, here is the link... i glad u find humor in my response, cause i do love to laugh from time to time.... ma vie

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

may I?? I can get postage right to you, just let me know.

Valley Village, CA

MaRose, I find you charming, and we are lucky to have you on this forum. Some of Dr. Schick's hybrids actually have very short spines. I can't work with them, I'm allergic to something in or on the spines. Some do have red spines, other golden, other just plain old black. But the flowers, oh my. They can temps. down into the low 20tys for lower for a short time. They need the cold to show good flowers for the next year. Sun will set the flowers. Part shade will keep the flowers longer and brighter. No care at all during the cold months, they just need a rest. I actually take mine out of the pot and put them in the garage.
Starting April 1, I start a program of watering on Fridays, and fertilizing on Sat. regularly once a week. I get flowers each month until maybe Nov.1 and once in a while
as late as Dec. We have had the flowers up to 17 cm across.
They mature about the 3rd year for the largest flowers. They may flower the first year but the flower will not be that large and perhaps only 1 for the year. Norma

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Norma, we were posting at the same time, I'd love to take you up on this offer too. How do you find time to still think of us with all you have going on?? I am really enjoying my journal and catalog, I learned today the identity of one of my plants, that was pretty exciting!

Valley Village, CA

Isn't this fun. I can't wait to get to Africa.
I got the the Huntington Web page then it wouldn't let me see the second page of the hybrids, I just found out that Bob (oops) Dr. Schick printed out the instructions as well. He is such a perfectionist, tosses out every one of them that doesn't get straight A+ on the report card. I helped them grade them on year, his wife Aiko is very tight with grades, she is an ex teacher. What he tosses out I would like to keep, the white one I really screamed when they were going to toss it out. It is really pure white, a lovely flower. You should all go to the pages that are on the web site. Instructions are given on how to raise these plants, which will apply to all cactus. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


u sure do pamper ur plants too much!!! most of my cacti & succulents before, i planted on the clayish soil, and leave then alone. they sure take care of themselves. they are also very forgiving if u forget to water. & don't forget, they do reserve water either on the leaves, if not their body or trunk! that is why it is better to underwater than to over water. if fact, i do stress my plants during those days. the sun does them good with nice red tips as good results! try to imagine those cacti & succulents in the desert, how often do they get water or feeding?

the only 'trick' i do is during planting, i incorporate some fertilizer into the soil prior to planting. work the fertilizer in the soil good.

the trick to what i call the ball cacti or Echinopsis as u call them is: take a two page newspaper, fold it all the way till u get about 4" fold. wrap the newspaper around the circumference of the cactus. u will not get hurt with the pointed needles of the Echinopsis. squeeze the pot to loosen the soil before u tug the plant out of the pot. those are info based on experiences working on cactus or any plant with torns.

yes, u are right, those Echinopsis do have different color spines or needles. sometimes their body also varies in color. one of my former collection was about 10" in circumference.

Tig... do not worry, if not mistaken i believe Norma will save u one. just be sure when u get it, place it in a spot where no one will get hurt, specially ur grand babies. those spines do stick on the skin and very difficult to take out.not the needle looking spines, but the very fine ones!! a tweezor would not do the job. they hurt pretty badly too! aside from embedding on ur skin. just my 2 cents!

Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

norma, keep me on your list. i received my journal and postage is on the way. i know, i am a little late. thanks so much. enjoying my book. Deb

Valley Village, CA

I can't send out any Echinopsis until I finish with the Journals. These plants will not be perfect. But I am trying to clean them up. Norma

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Norma, please keep me on your list, also. I am so excited about my new journal that I am calling home fr work b/c my roommate gets home fr work before I do. Sorry on the mixup about the journals. Have you ck'd the weather in Africa in Sept? Since it is not only on the other side of the world but also the other end, just curious about the weather. Remember I am the one that would take an electric blanket if I ever had to go back to the Philippines. I just say I have a broken thermostat! TIA!

Valley Village, CA

I've checked the weather, it should be spring, most of the flowers should have set seed. I'm going there to take pictures of the plants. Being that I volunteer at the Huntington Gardens, I get great advise, with a list of B&B to stay, and I know that I will have the best tour guide in the business. Dr. Graham Williamson. Now I need to get his book for him to autograph. I have been told to read it before I go and to take it with me.
I give programs to groups, and they love the slides. I don't know why, I think it is boring. I rather hand them the plant, and as it goes around the room talk about it.
This group will not be camping out. The weather in So.W. Africa is below the equator and is exactly the opposite of ours, I live in So.CA. This is how I know when to plant seeds, if it says the plants flowers in May, then I plant the seeds about December or January, it takes 6 weeks for them to ripen on my plants. Then the seeds are fresh which is very important. Here Sansevieria, if they set fruit in October, there are just now starting to turn ripe. My weather is very much like Africa, only the opposite time of the year. I have a preliminary itinerary and it sounds exciting, there is no wasted days, we will be on the go all 14 days, I can then come home a rest. The flight is approx. 24 hrs, with perhaps two lay overs to rest. One is Miami, the next perhaps directly to cape town. I'll keep you all posted as I make the arrangements, Maddy has been here to help me talk my husband out of going into cities he knows nothing about. Hugs, Norma

I now have 10 journals left to mail out, then I will start with the plants. I'm still looking for small boxes. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Found some small boxes in the garage. Mi Vie has been giving me great suggestions where to get boxes. They can't be flat, these will be plump just like red potatoe lumps.
When you open this package be careful, they bite. I don't like these, but the flowers are WOW. I actually housed 600 of these plants on my back driveway for 2 years, so I know them well. I don't have the room or the greenhouse to grow that many plants and there is no heat. I am offering plants that I know that you can't possibly get otherwise. I check out Lowe's frequently.
I hope to launch the Sansevieria sell off in about May. These will be sold for cash to raise monies for the Huntington. I'll put this list on the Sans. forum. I don't believe it would be allowed here.

Valley Village, CA

Leaving for Africa Sept 9, which is our 51 Anniversary. I have good news, John Trager the curator of the Huntington Gardens collection will be coming with us (Chuck and me) on the trip, which means he will have collection permits with him. This is exciting news for me, it will make a great deal of difference. I wish all of you could meet me in Cape Town. I wish this on you. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

am happy for u Norma =)!!! Congratulations! good luck on ur forth coming trip. now u get to see all the rare plants i once collected and have personally seen during trips i've done myself. U deserve it!!! ma vie

Valley Village, CA

Cindy, you are toooooooooo much. I'm ready to mail these out now. Please watch your fingers when opening the package. Use two tooth brushes to lift the plant, there are babies but do they bite. Owwwwwwwwwwwy Norma

Valley Village, CA

I worked out the cost of mailing, I think $1.25 will cover it more or less. I will only mail the ones that are named.

Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

norma, I received my baby today. I'm so HAPPY!! It is a cute little thing. thank you so much for sharing. I have already looked it up. Debk

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Please add me to the list of the Schick hybrid (Echinopsis) offsets if it's not too late. I'd love to add some to my collection. Thanks. Rose

Valley Village, CA

Okay gang, just what you been waiting for. The Schick hybrids are ready for mailing. I weighed one full sized one that has light magenta flowers, it cost $3.50 for postage. It is also in bud. This plant will never be issued, Bob wasn't please with it. Only it's # will be attached.
What I really want to send is the babies, they will be clean, with names. I have about 10 different I will send only one per person, so no cheating, if your name is Sam, don't all of a sudden become Susie, Samanthia, Susannae, Sister, and Sue. It looks like they will run $1.50. I think I've found small enough boxes. These are really puppies. When you open the box and find newspaper please be careful, they are not even house trained yet, they will bite. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Place your order as to color you want privately. Only post on the forum if you can't find my email address. Remember I won't send these out of country, but for you, who live out of the US, I will be glad to send seed of Agave victora-reginae, I just received a gift of probably several thousand seeds. This specie is a slow growing variety that looks as if it has Gelso (white paint) painted on the leaves. OUTSTANDING
They go to seed about every 25 years then die.

Valley Village, CA

This offer will be good until May 1, then I will start sending out 50 Agave victoria-reginae seed. I want to verify that they are fertile seed first.
If any one is having trouble emailing me just leave me a note here. Again postage will be needed, I think this will only take a 34 cent stamp. I need instructions on how to mail these in a plain enevlope, so it will go through our mail system. Norma

Valley Village, CA

I'm going to print off instructions if you want them, the problem with this that it will add to the postage, so you are the one that must give me instructions to do so. I still have 10 different, but not listed yet. I have a awful time with listing the trades for postage. I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

Valley Village, CA

I have the following 'Gypsy', 'Icon', 'Coquette', 'Enchantment','O Parodisco', 'Paradox' only one so far. 'Icon' shimmers. Gyspy looks like a single Camilla.
'Gold Emblem' small but with ruffled leaves
'Coquette, yellow about 4" across very ruffled leaves

I have about 12+ of each, and weight will vary. There are 12 different so far, and I can only mail to the U.S. most are tiny about the size of the tip of a finter.

I willing to give instructions on the forum.

I can't go back and list more because I can't even find out how to get there, I'm sorry, Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

look on the left side of message u post. down below, where ur name and date is located, there is a blue colored notation that says" EDIT this post". click on it and add whatever u wish to add or delete. HTH

This message was edited Friday, Apr 5th 10:44 PM

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

It is so beautiful and enjoy to see the photos . Wow never see this before.

Kittanning, PA

This may be a dumb question, but since I am new to cactus/succulents im gonna ask...
Are these hardy outside in Z5?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


there is no such thing as a dumb question. the only dumb question is the question that was never ask! i do not know if the cactus/succulent is hardy on ur area. if i were u, i will plant them in pots to be on the safe side, grow them out in the summer time. then bring them inside when weather gets cold. don't really know what to tell u. i have a cousin who lives in the higher areas of Tuczon, Arizona. during winter time they have snow in the area, she lives in the middle of the desert where lots of cactus and succulents tribe. may be someone can give u a much better answer than i can... ma vie

Valley Village, CA

Zone 5, how low does the temps, get. If it's dry I believe you can't kill them, keep them in the pots and set in a dark garage or wrap them well in newspaper, completely wrap.
They can take temps. down to 20 for a few hours if dry. These plants are not green house growers at all, and must have a cold winter for them to set flowers in the Spring, w
then they will need heavy feeding to keep them in bud, as well as good sunlight, but not hot direct Western sun, best under filtered light on our hot West coast valley. They will flower for at least 6 months with the flowers lasting 2+ days if brought indoors when the buds show color. (Our curator had them open for 4 days)Before Bob perfected them they were only opened from 9:00 to 9:00 the next morning.

Ma Vie thanks for your help, I will try and find my list again tonight. All are listed there. I have 10 to offer at this time. I should have 12.
These plants came from Bob, and I don't know how many more I will be able to get. Some are offsets of my own plants. As they grow into a 4" container they will flower.
Then as they get larger you will have more and more flowers each year, also the flowers will be larger if well fed. Good luck with these. Remember these are babies and not perfect specimens.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome Norma :D! i know how they are. remember i used to grow them? comes in various colors of flowers too! u said the magic word "keep them well fed!"

some plants by nature similar to amaryllis bulbs, do love to be snug to the pot they grow in. i always make it a point to start on small pots. then gradually change to a much bigger pot each year or depending on how i see them grow. save me some. postage on the way. thanks!!!!

btw the plants u sent me are growing crazy. love the change of colors. the rosary vine is growing new babies too :)!

Crossville, TN

MaVieRose, I live south east of Tucson, at a much higher altitude...and we have some snow in the winter. It gets as low as mid 20's. Haven't lost any cactus yet...but I only have ones that grew here in the back part of our land...then we moved some to the yard area. Have only lived here two years and am just now getting into cactus. I talked a guy out of some "Cow's Tounge" cactus today! What is this "Journal;", and how do I get one, and some of these cacti? I really want to do cacti. My Heddgehogs are blooming are so lovely.

As to the spines...the Cactus Research Center in Bisbee, AZ told me to put tacky glue on the spines in your skin...let it dry, and pull them out. Our ER keeps the glue in the ER.


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Jo... i am somewhat familiar with the area. i have a cousin that owns a house on Salermo St. it is an awesome area if i may add as it is isolated from the general population.

the journal and the cacti, u have to ask Norma. all she requires is postage to cover shipping and handling. maybe Norma can enlighten u with more info on these. if not, just read through the entire threads posted on the Succulent forum. better yet, why not click on Norma's name and send her an email. i am pretty sure she will oblige u like she does with everyone.

it's been a while since i visit my cousin, but whenever i come around we do go up to Mt. Lemon resorts.

Crossville, TN

MaVieRose...I can't afford the resorts...but do like to go shopping in Tucson...and DH was in the VA Hospital there before he spent a lot of time in Tucson....if you get back to visit...let me know and I'll meet you somewhere...would love to meet you. Jo

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Jo... i know exactly what u mean, but it is so beautiful up there, don't u think? i will let u know next time i go to Tucson. it has been ages, since my last visit. it will be an honor to meet with u JO :). am looking forward to visiting Tucson again.

Crossville, TN

MaVie...please don't make it during June 12th to Aug. 1st...Am going East Round up and points on you know...I have lots of relatives to visit when I travel...LOL Besides, I think the very best time to visit AZ is in May or Sept, Oct. Jo

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

don't worry Jo, it will be a while before i can visit Tucson. besides the garden will keep me busy for a while. i've got so much project at hand. if ever i will go, it probably will be toward the latter part of the year. besides, i need to get in touch with my cousin. i normally visit when her sister who lives in Switzerland come, sort of reunions amongst us. do not worry i am aware of the round up trip. unfortunately i can not make that one either. if ever i make the trip, i will inform u way ahead of time, so it does not conflict with ur schedule/s... ma vie

Crossville, TN

Good! Now I'll rest at night knowing I won't miss you while I'm gone.LOL I know that I will enjoy meeting you when we finally do! Jo

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