Anyone up and about? March 23..

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning folks...or is it afternoon for ya'll. About 6am here this morning..Lisa

Hello Lisa, how are you today, did you enjoy your club last night.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Alan, I am fine today. How are you? Yes the meeting was okay. The food was good. We had bar-b-que, salad, strawberry shortcake and bread pudding. I got in kind of later than I wanted too. Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Heck Lisa, I was posting my new thread (yours was not there when I opened up). So now I feel real stupid. Is there any way I can cancel the thread. Double trouble eh......LOL

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Louisa, maybe Dave can delete it. I've done the same on the Farm Forum. How are you today? Sleep well? Alan, what time is it across the pond? Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't know if Dave will pick up on it, he's probably busy right now I would think, so hey - I can live with it.

Lisa, it dinner time here, we are five hours in front of you, six when you get to taxas, eight in california, its raining again here, morning Louisa, how are you this morning.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Alan, (taxes..ugh)LOL! I was wondering what the difference was. My brother works in Russia and when I get up early enough we can 'chat'. So I was wondering what time I had to be around to catch you nice folks. Does anyone use the 'watch this thread' button at the top of the page? It is neat. It emails you when someone posts. So if you are looking at other forums it lets you know via email. Lisa

OOps, Texas, sorry, i bet your brothers been cold this winter, they have had a real bad one, funny thing looked at that last night, i was wondering what is was for, i was going to ask on here, sounds useful then, daves just put on a new post, greenhouse, should be good, Louisa, i have noticed that before, theres now way to know that someone is in the threads at the same time as you, i have replyied to a post and someone sends in just at the same time, dont suppose it can be helped though, just one of those things.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning friends. I have woken up to a glorious bright morning and it promises to be one of those "I wish it could always be like this" days. (weather-wise of course). As for my plan of action today I am starting to clear the 'don't need' items and food into boxes. I have leafed through most of my gardening magazines, kept the ones that are going to be most useful over the next few months, and boxing the others. I hope you all have a fantastic day and I might pop in from time to time to break up my busy schedule to see how you are all doing and also because it's hard to keep away from you folk!! Catch you later :-)

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hee,hee Texas, taxes...Bye Louisa, I know what you mean, sure is hard to stay away from DG!

I have been to a couple of these garden ones, i like this one the best though, its so different, its so open an friendly, and you are always waiting to see donald flppin duck all the time lol, and yes Lisa, it is hard to stay away, i dont know how many times a day i look in here, but it at six i bet, if not more, if i have a moment i am in here looking to see what going on.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, Alan, I do the same, checking in off and on. I think at least 7 times or more. I come in from outside and run to the computer and see if I've missed something. My keys have mud on them! LOL! parrot just bit my ear! The nerve of the little guy. He wants me to pet him and not type. Anyway, my brother was cold..he is home now for a little while. Lisa

This your conure, perhaps he thinks you sould have another hole in your ear, and they are [profanity removed]ed good at that too lol, yes i wish i had known about this place a lot sooner, i missed out a bit i think, but i intend to catch up as much as possible now.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Is spikey jo going to chime in today? and Northerner too? Anyone else? Lisa

Jo has gone to London for a few days, she will be back on Monday, Diane (notherner) she may pop up at anytime, Daisy-chains husband is at home so i doubt we will here from her to much for a day or so, the sun has just come out, i am going have an hour or so in the greenhouse, i will catch up with you later, have a good day, bye for now.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Bye Alan, Have a great day. Hope to catch you later. My little one will be waking up soon, so my time is limited as well...I can't believe I let my coffee get cold...rats! Lisa

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Looks as though I've missed you! I'm taking a few minutes' break from studying. I've got something called The P.C. Support Handbook to read. It's for a course called the Fundamentals of Computers which I'm taking at the uni. We've just started doing gates and truth tables. I have to do an exam in it, can't remember exact date, late April, May. The book is 500 pages long and my lecturer reckons we have to know all of it!! I quite enjoy this course but it's quite a hefty tome!! I've put in an application for a full-time course at the uni - posted it yesterday. Don't know if I'll get in though. It's said to be a very demanding course and they're very selective about who they take in. Fingers crossed...
Don't know if I'll get much done in the garden for a day or two. The weather is very damp and chilly and I think it'll stay that way for a day or two. Never mind, I can always curl up with a good book. Only another 400 and odd pages to go!! Bye for now!!!

Lisa, when i left i had half a mug of cold coffee too, this place is costing a furtune in coffee, lol, the ammount of times i have done that on here.

Diane, i hope you get in, but why do you want all that anyway, we only need to know two things, weres daves, and how to type, lol, good luck though.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I need employment Alan. My Dad left me the house but I don't have enough money to retire on, and I'm still in my 40s. Might have to take in lodgers eventually but will try and leave that for another year or so. I already have good qualifications but my skills are out of date. Besides, most employers are looking for young graduates aren't they? If I get on this course there's a chance I could get sponsored for the year and get my fees paid. It's not a huge sum of money but it's better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish as my Mum used to say!!! And it's a good qualification. I already have a teaching certificate for teaching young adults, at colleges. If I got this I could try looking for work teaching computer literacy skills. I spend a lot of my spare time playing around on the puter so it looks like the right career choice!!
All my neighbours are busy having tradesmen in. A couple have had new windows put in. I need that doing too but will have to leave it another year. I have to get essential repairs done but my home is just going to have to stay shabby. Another family are having an extension built. There's a lot of activity. All that sawing and hammering. I'm going to have my new fences put up on Monday. Moneymaking ideas anyone??

I know what you mean Diane, i wish you luck.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Can I join you?

Hello Louisa, how are you today.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

In the pink Alan. I've packed quite a few boxes this morning, had some lunch and now sitting here with a cuppa char.

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL...LOL...Ain't that funny Patty. How about "Awa an fry yer fish!!! or "go dangle yer head in a bucket o water"

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Question? If I want to stay here right on this thread page, would I see the messages come through? NO? I thought not!!

Hello Patty, Ha ha, i was going to ask about that one, lol, i have never heard it either.
How much more have you got to do then Louisa, mind you, the ammount of times you have moved over the years you could do it in your sleep now

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, I could almost become a professional at packing and moving. I have been travelling since I was born, which means that we did a tour abroad for 3 years, then came home for 3 years. It continued like that for me for many, many years. Somehow, I don't think this is going to be the last move either, although I always said it would be :-)

i hate it, moveing, i am not moveing out again, there will have to be [profanity removed]ed good reason for me to do it again, i hate change, and that is change big time.


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Where did you here that one patty.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Patty!! Just had my tea. My mum had some good expressions. She was Scottish. I wish I'd thought of writing them down. I'm trying to work my way through this very thick book. It's not that it's difficult to understand particularly but it's very dense. I've got myself a good sharp pencil for underlining the important parts and a bookmark. The so-and-so who designed the book didn't think about numbering the chapters. I think I'm going to be using my sharp pencil and numbering them. I've read the first chapter, only another 18 to go. Going to read chapter 2 this evening. I really need to clear my head between topics.
I'm wondering about treating myself to a day or two out over the holidays. I had flu over Christmas so apart from seeing a friend on New Year's Day when I was still coughing all over the place I didn't get anywhere nice for a spot of relaxation. I have several assignments to hand in the week after Easter, followed by exams as well. Don't want to book anything. Just sort of spur of the moment if there's a nice spring day.
My confidence doing these courses is still a bit shaky. Being tested all the time is immensely stressful. This Fundamentals of Computers course has no assignments, just an exam, but I want to make sure I don't leave my reading and any notes till the end, when I have other courses as well. I must be mad!! Well, I think I'd better leave you all and look at Chapter2. Be seeing you!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - it means Away and fry your fish. A Scottish expression used by an old friend of mine who died a couple of years ago. He used to say it to his wife when he thought she was being silly or unnecessarily worried about something! And Alan, you are not paying attention or reading the posts :-)

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Sorry, i will look more closely, i was cautiouse to ask Patty where she heard it, because i have heard that one before,its a pollite way of saying "get lost", so i dint want to put my foot in it.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan, you wouldn't put your foot in it - you are too much of a gentleman!! Patty, I hated studying too but loved sports. I was captain of netball, tennis and hockey at school. Diane - where do you get all your energy from?

Me a gentleman, have you got the right alan here, lol.

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Patty, no one would tell you that from here, not on purpose anyway, i had a couple of hours in the GH, took a few fushia cuttings, i know its a bit late, but they werent very coprative last minth, they didnt have enough growth, they were badly cut back by the cold, these are the only two the survived, and you know how it is, once you start time flies.

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