Cacti seeds for SASE

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

A year ago my daughter thought she might like to grow cacti from seeds. Well I got about 10 different types in exchange and now she says it takes TOO long for seeds to grow to any size!
So if any one person would like the seeds you are welcome to them BUT you MUST take all of them to one person only, as I live in Canada and USA postage is no good to me, and am not prepared to mail out a whole bunch of seeds to different people as the cost would be too much.

I know nothing about cacti or if the names are correct.

I have the following seeds:

Cactus haselbergii
Thompson & Morgan cactus 2783 198073/8
Echinocerus Mixed
Senecio praecox
Echeveria coccinea
Echeveria grandifolia
Carnegiea Gigantea "Giant Suhaurao"
Ferocactus "Barrel Cactus"
Hamatocatcus Setispinus "Strawberry Cactus"

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

email me, thank you! =)

This message was edited Sunday, Feb 17th 5:31 PM

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

The Cacti seeds are now gone to RedRose

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