'Weeping 'Jade' impostor

Valley Village, CA

It is a lovely weeping Senecio jacobsenii, I just received this plant as a gift. Thank you. It is a lovely plant and the young leaves could be mistaken for 'Jade'. It will form stolens to multiply, I wish I could do it that way, I now would have eight hands and arms and I could get so much more done. It will be kept in the house until it warms up. Norma

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

norma....i was just gonna email you to see if you got it yet.....so what do ya think.....i know you stated what the latin name is for it but other than that what do you think?...lol...im glad you got it...it seems to be an easy plant, for me anyway....thanks for the latin name....cindy

Valley Village, CA

Cindy it's a lovely plant, wait until you see it grown out. Each leaf will overlap the other. The flowers will blow you away. Hang it high, it can grow from ceiling to floor, but remember this is a house plant. I am still going to check it out with our curator, there are seveal look alikes, I just want to be sure.

What do I think? I think all of you, two at a time, should plan to come out for an visit. I think Patrick liked his visit he is planning to come back again. April and May is a bad month for me, but the weather is nice if it isn't foggy, no rain, no earthquakes,no floods, or fire, today we are having strong winds. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Would you believe I just received another plant for identification. It came in a small box. This one I'm pretty sure it is a Crassula, but which one? Too early to tell, I'll plant it and hopefully in about a month I'll have some idea to what species of Crassula. It could one of several, I may even have to wait for the flowers. Denise be patient. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

can u pls. describe. who knows i maybe able to help identify. one can never tell... ma vie

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