I'm now a member!!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I can now honestly say I am a succulent owner! Thanks to a most generous person I will be very busy tonight looking up the info on all the wonderful plants I got today. I couldn't be more tickled. I do have to get something different to pot them in I believe, I only have a mix that's very similar to Pro-Mix, and unsuitable for these i believe. I know what an Aeonium looks like now, and have so many pretty babies I'm dancing.
A little thanks here, more in an email to my benefactor!!

Valley Village, CA

Well Tig, as long as I have your undivided attention, guess what? When I can home today I had a letter waiting for me from the (CSSA) Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
When I opened this letter out dropped $2,000.00 and an invitation to go to Africa or Madagascar. My name had been entered when I paid for my CSSA journal, and they have been giving away 5 of these travel grants each year to people who are members and who never have traveled to Africa before. I'm going to Africa. My heart is still thumping, I'm so excited and overwhelmed. The drawback:
I must write articles about my trip in the Journal, and I can't spell.

Congratulations about receiving your new succulents. I hope at least that the names were on all of them. Norma

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

oh yes, they were packed lovingly with all their names.

GOING TO AFRICA???????? oh my goodness!!! when where why how?? details, I can't believe it. You do wonderfully writing and I would gladly proofread for you. It's a little talent of mine. Oh, I'm so happy for you!!! is it plant collecting? my goodness gracious!

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Congratulations Norma!!!!!! I can see the grin on your face now! I'm sure John T and Steven H and others will give you all the info you'll need to make the trip really rewarding. There's a lot to see in Madagascar too! What a choice to have to make. Spell, schmell. all you need is a good spell checker and you're home free. I'm very happy for you Norma - you deserve it!

Watch out for the critters!


Valley Village, CA

See what you get Patrick when you are a member of the CSSA Next Patrick I want you to get your dues in before Jan 1, that way you will also be in the drawing if you register.
Believe me I will take at least 5 pictures of each plant up very close and personal. Put in request and I'll send you a picture.
If I can purchase plants I will do so, so if you want something I think I will start a list going about Sept 1 This is going to be a blast. I just found out that I won't need shots for where I want to go, I'll report back after tomorrow when I get more information. Tomorrow I'm due to help with a program on dish gardens, and Sunday one on Crassula, oh I wish I had my slides back. Norma

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Norma!!! How wonderful!!! Thats great, so excited and happy for you!

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Wonderful news Norma. Proving that great things can, and do, happen to great people!!
Buy film before you leave home. Take easily twice as much as you think you need.
my very great contratulations!

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Norma --
Already joined in December for 2002 and paid for 2001 too so I could get the journals. Maybe I'll get lucky next year. If you're able to bring something back, I can think of a Haworthia or two I might like. This is so cool for you, with your varied interests in succulents there should be something of interest around every bend in the road. Not to mention visiting the different botanic gardens plus all the habitat references you'll get to make your collections even better. Too cool!!
By the way, I joined the Huntington this month. I was going to visit the HBG in May anyway so why not go to the plant sale too! I've got a brother-in-law in Orange county and another DGer wants to go along too so it all works out. What tips can you give me about the plant sale and the ISI introductions? Should I be at the front gate at dawn on that day?! I probably will be anyway!!
Also, do you know if Phyllis F mails out plants? I got some nice plants for a nice price and would like to get some more.


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Congratulations Norma, what an honor. We will miss you and you informative posts. How long will you be gone? You will need a laptop and Digital Camera so you can send us a daily report!!!

Valley Village, CA

If I get a lap top then I couldn't afford the trip. Patrick you know I have a large collection of African seed grown Haworthia, which ones do you want? If you go to the Huntington Sale let me know in advance, it will be open to the public on Sunday only, if you are not a member. Patrick we supply boxes to take away plants, but you must get there early, or work two hours on Friday while we set up and get the collectors plants. I would love to have all of you.
The real collectors items are snapped up by the vendors and me. LOL The Huntington Sale will be the weekend after Mother's Day

I will be gone no longer than 21 days, starting about Oct. 1. We need to see when the tours start this next week and make our plans accordingly. As you know we cannot take material out of Africa, very stiff fines and I would then have to mortgage the house. I will try to buy plants from nurseries when I'm there, these guys need to make a living also. I'm being told that books are cheaper there. So of course I'm going to buy books, love my books. These don't die.

As long as this group is actively participating I'm willing to send out the plants, you just pay the postage. If I don't see the name, and your just reading, then no plants.

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