HELP! Dilemma

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

This promises to be long and rambling so bear with me....

There is a very nice greenhouse about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes away from me that gets some really odd and exotic stuff from time to time. The last time I was there a couple of weeks ago, they had a table full of cacti and succulents, including lithops, and some other keen things.

On this table were several pots of Cryptocereus anthonyanus for $3.95. (St. Anthony's Rick Rack Cactus which grows like an epipyhllum.) They also had HUGE hanging baskets of old fashioned Christmas Cactus, which I LOVE, for only $15.00. I didn't buy them then, but I have been obsessing about them ever since! :-D

My problem is this: I could live with the Christmas cactus, even though I am running out of room and I have another five coming from a trade I made. But the St. Anthony's Rick Rack cactus, although it has gorgeous flowers, is a night bloomer. I already have an Epi pumilum that is a night bloomer, and I only get to see and sniff it in the summer when I get up to let the dog out at 2:30 in the morning. I would like to get more day bloomers, and it just seems like such a waste to take up space with something whose flowers I am never going to see unless I stay up all night. (BUT I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT NICE PLANTS THEY WERE!)

So my question is, should I run all the way over there and buy what I am obsessing about? Will it make me feel better if I do?

Or should I just be practical and realize that while I may WANT to go and buy them, I don't NEED them. Maybe I'm just bored and need to go for a ride or something. Whaddya think?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

go get it:) you can always make a wonderful trade for it later:)

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Ditto what tiG said. Besides, life shouldn't always be about what you need. And, sometimes, with plants it IS about what you need. I have 700+ succulents (mostly small) and I probably only NEED 500 or so :>)

Have a safe trip!!

Valley Village, CA

..........and if you wait until it warms up, I can send you a baby of this plant. After a while this plant will be boring also. I have the disease also, I want everything I don't have. I don't have room, but......................
I just purchased 4 Hoya, yes, you read this correctly. But they are beauties. I can't believe I did that.

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

Well, I went and now I'm back.

I'm glad I went because the St. Anthonys were on sale for $2.98. I couldn't decide between two very healthy looking plants so I bought them both, and a large terra cotta pot to plant them in.

The Christmas cactus is ENORMOUS and very heavy. I'm not quite sure where I am going to hang it yet.......

AND I got a four pound bag of composted poultry poop to top dress some of my houseplants.

So all in all, it was a pretty good day, and I'm glad I went. They have some really neat stuff at this greenhouse. I was eyeing up some Columnea's but they weren't blooming yet. I will try to post here again if I plan on making another trip down, and if anyone is looking for anything, I will check and see if they have it.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

cool, sounds like a great place!!

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