
Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Hi, I'm new here...does this cactus-succulent come in different colors or just orange? I saw a huge one in bloom & it was a site to behold:)

Valley Village, CA

Many different colors, blue, green, beige, red, orange, lavander,pink, beige, yellow and various cobinations , many are tri-colored. This also includes leaves of various species.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Blue? That sounds very cool!!
Thanks alot for your reply:)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I just did a google image search and this is just beautiful. Is it by any chance an orchid cactus? It's looking like I'm going to have to start ordering succulents on line, because the nurseries here just won't use the proper names.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I would love to get some more also. Hi TiG...remember me from the Brug forum?:0)
What is the commercial name of this particular succulent? Anyone know?

Valley Village, CA

No, no, you didn't get my apology. I read your message wrong, I only saw the part about cactus and succulents, not your special species, you must have all thought the medication was getting to me [;o)I do that once in a while, I am very sorry, I was a wee bit careless. Norma

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

HUH????? What are you talking about????

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Hi there. I have been trying to track down a source, -Jim Hunter has them. However, my 'guru'(won't tell you who!)
told me me gave up on them because of their propensity for mealy bugs. they are basically rat tail cactus crossed with epiphyllum, -but buggy! careful if you introduce them to a collection.
that's my 2 cents worth!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I have two of them...one pink and theother, a creamy-white..I never did know the name of it..it went under thename rat-tail cactus! Elaine

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