Jasmine Question

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Has anyone had any success with Jasmine? The leaves are just dropping off. It's a new plant and my second attempt at growing it. It was blooming when I got it but within 2 weeks it started dropping leaves. More water? Less water? Feed it? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance. "T" :)

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Which Jasmine is it?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

hope this url give u enough info u need... http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1956/jasmine.html

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Aimee..don't know. It had white flowers on it...well they started out pink then changed to white. "T" :)

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

is this the jasmine that u have http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Oleaceae/Jasminum_polyanthum.html?

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

It flowers like it says there. But it's a small plant so I can't tell if it vines or not. The buds are pink like it said though. And the white flowers smell wonderful. I got it at a Home Depot about a week after Christmas. That's why I thought it was an inside plant for me here in PA. Perhaps in the South it could stay outside. Maybe it got cold?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

am pretty sure what u've got it is the Winter jasmine. that is the variety being sold @ Home Depot. Winter Jasmine is a perennial in the So. Calif. area. it will in time grow to be a vigorous vine. i doubt it got cold though. if it is inside, perhaps it is too warm due to the heater around the house?? i used to grow them outside the house when i used to lived in Los Angeles. they love the cold weather. this is the time of the year that they are heavy in bloom.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

I've moved that plant all over the house. I've managed to save 2 little sprigs. Poor little thing. Do you think it needs fed? Winter jasmine....

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i have a jasmine i recieved in a trade-it never looks like its growing, it has its leaves, looks alive, but no growth...any ideas???

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

hopefully this link will help http://davesgarden.com/showthread/103409.html

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Jasmine is not an easy indoor plant; so don't get discouraged if you don't have immediate success.

Light: Lots of bright light, but protect it from hot direct sunlight in midday. Right in an east window is best. Outside on a porch in the warmer months is also good.

Air and temperature: Jasmine does best in fresh air with good circulation. Indoors an open window in the warmer months is good or near a fan that circulates the air. The best temperature range is 60 to 75 degrees, although it will tolerate 50 to 85 degrees.

Watering: Water thoroughly as soon as the soil is dry down about a half inch. Jasmine does not tolerate watering lapses very well. Leaves discolor quickly if the soil is kept moist for too long or allowed to get a bit too dry.

Potting: If you have a blooming sized jasmine it will rarely, if ever need repotting. The roots must be quite potbound for jasmine to bloom. Repot only if the plant dries out within 2 to 3 days following a thorough watering.

Fertilizer: Use a 1-2-1 ratio fertilizer at half strength and only when the plant is healthy and putting out new growth.

Humidity: High humidity is not essential, but it helps.

Pests: Jasmine is a magnet for spider mites. Few jasmine plants escape periodic mite infestations. Check the undersides of leaves regularly for signs of mites and treat promptly and thoroughly with a soap and water spray.

Blooming: Jasmine usually bloom in January. Normally jasmine is cut way back to half its size following a winter bloom and then new growth is kept pinched back to promote fullness until August. Keep the soil moist and fertilize regularly when it is putting out new growth. In August, discontinue the pinching In October; give it completely dark nights and cool temps (40 to 50 degrees) to promote January bloom. Keep the soil a bit more on the dry side and provide lots of sun during the day. It is usually recommended that you do this for 6 to 8 weeks. This will help set the buds. After that normal room temperatures and a sunny window will suffice. This is a difficult regimen to provide. If you can only do this for a few weeks, it is better than not at all. If you cannot do it at all, your plant will remain healthy but it may not bloom quite as much. In any case do not fertilize during the winter months. In the late winter or early spring, prune the entire plant back by half. New growth will soon emerge. Flowers appear only on new growth.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Will Creed, Horticulturist
Horticultural Help, NYC

P.S. You may be interested in my website at http://horthelp.homestead.com and my Indoor Plant Bulletins that I publish monthly.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Will, your depth of information always impresses me. Thank you soooo much. "T" :)

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Hey "T" - I just realized you are from Joe Namath's hometown!

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Yepper..Also home of Geneva College which is a good small Christian College. We've had quite a few professional sports players come from this area and really the whole Western PA. "T" :)

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