Resource for Info on Sedums?

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been trying to research some sedums and am not having much luck with some of them. Does anyone know of a good book or other resource?


Valley Village, CA

Jody, here is some help for you, "Sedum Cultivated Stonecropos"
by Ray Stephenson. Look up any Cactus and Succulent Book Store, Search the Cactus Mall, please contact me privately, and I'll give you more nubmers to contract. I'm not allowed to do that on this list. There are also Sedum journals, many, many article, too many to mention here. Cactus and Succulent books, by the dozens available. Norma

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Norma!!!

Valley Village, CA

I you need name and address of book stores, I think I can provide those for you as well. I know Sedum collectors, I have list of Cactus and Succulent nurseries. email me privately for these if you are interested. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

gosh Norma, I would love to get a book on sedums!
Please let me know of a bookshop.
barbara (blustery B.C Canada)

Valley Village, CA

Jody Hi, Happy New Year,

This is my favorite book for Sedum, I find it dependable.Ray Steven's Stonecrops in cultivation.
I belong to the Sedum Society.This is Ray's email address: The society Newsletter is $22.00 it has color pictures. Written for us, not the professionals.
They have a cutting exchange, seed exchange. If you want to join the society contact

Society internet page is
There is a also RHS Horticultural Database

If you would like more information please email me privately.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Happy New Year Norma!!!

Funny you posted the Sedum Society, I was just looking at them while surfing the net the other day :) I think I am going to join.

By the way...all my new sedum cuttings are looking great so far.

Valley Village, CA

Okay, but I'm not sure I can put this information here.

Try this bookshop first tell them Norma sent you.

Rainbow Gardens when I can find the address I will put it on later tonight.
Look for this book as well as the first one mentioned. No colored pictures but much cheaper, I do recommend the first one in preference.
A Gardener's Guide to Sedums. Very few drawing all in black and white cost was $4.95 when I purchased it a few years ago.

Valley Village, CA

Hi group, try this place also for books, it will connect you to a world wide search. I found really good prices, the used books are fine to good. They don't sell junk. Bargain Books
Ray Stevenson's book cost more about $40.00 but has colored pictures an easy read.
Most Illus. Dictionary's will have sectiions on Sedum. Old books will not have the new discovery's, so cheap is not necessarally good. Excuse the spelling, just got home from the Huntington and I'm bone tired.
There is also Brooks's books, I'll search for that address later as well. If any of you belong to the CSSA there will also be listings and suppliers of plants.

I will try to make arrangements for CSSA journals free so you can see for yourselves. I'll see what I can do about this, they will be complimentary. Norma

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Norma your the greatest!!!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

In case anyone else is is the link for Rainbow Gardens Nursery and Book Store.

Valley Village, CA

Please folks, this is your forum, please help out Jody.
Bargain Books, only 1 a
I was just too tired to catch the spelling error.

Valley Village, CA

Brooks Books Ask for the catalogue, it may be online.

They accept Visa,Discover, and MasterCard
I was very satisfied with their service.
Remember many Sedum come from Cold Climate locations.

Valley Village, CA

Jody, I was looking in Glass House Works catalogue. They have two Sedum sections, one under cold hardy plants and the other under succulents. These plants are not expensive. Also you may want to try Bob Smoley's catalogue. Now remember there are cold hardy types that don't do well in So. Calif. which I believe are nicer than the tropical types, meaning Zone 21 or US 10, which come from Mexico and other parts of the world. Sedum tend to come from No. of the Equator, very few South. Not all catalogues have available the same species. You can get free plants and seeds by joining the society, but it is a two way street. You don't get if you don't give. Norma

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much for you help and all the info!!!

The cold hardy types would probably be better for me, as the others have to live in the greenhouse through the winter. I think I am going to order the book from Rainbow Gardens and have checked out Bob Smoleys though I don't have the catalogue yet.

Have you ever heard of Plant Jewels of the high country "Sempervivums and Sedums" by Helen E. Payne? I am considering ordering this one.

Thanks again for your help!

Valley Village, CA

Living in hot So. Cal. San Fernando Valleyi, nothing from the north will survive our temperature which reach often 95+ from July 1-Oct 1 I have a few, but must keep them in the shade. It's a bummer.
Barbara, did I give enough information to help you out? Gosh you take good pictures, and I'm still looking for that plant name. The one with the flat purplish leaves, I have it also, it's driving me nuts, I did spend some time tonight looking in three books, no luck so far, I know it's in that Mother Natures, succulent and catus book, but I can't find my copy. Norma


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