Lowe's Plants

Valley Village, CA

At my Lowe's I found the following plants in poor, faded condition. Most
incorrectly named, but to give the benefit of doubt, customers could have taken out the label and put them back incorrectly.

Kalanchoe 'Chocolate Soldier' fuzzy long grey lvs. brown
Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver' fuzzy green rosette,bright maroon
edge, orange flowers in the next two weeks
Portulacaria afra var. foliis-variegatis
Aichryson, green/wh small heads 'Youth and Old Age'
Echeveria, 'Dondo'Many nice flowers in a cluster.
Aeonium, red type
Adromischus, wrinkle leaf tips, fuzzy brown hairy stem.
Echeveria, 'Topsy Turvy'
Graptopetalum, pink plump leaves
Echevsedveria? 'Debbie'
Bryophyllum delagoense 'Mother of Thousands' red fl. or
'Pain in the Neck'
Sempervivum ? with and Sedum label
Euphorbia can't think of the Latin name, 'Pencil Plant'
Crassula perforiata 'Necklance Vine' they call it 'Green
Pagoda' which is diffently incorrect.
Kalanchoe 'Fang' fuzzy grey green leaves with a beard
underneath 'Bearded Kalanchoe'
Peperonia 2 kinds available, one with long narrow green lf.
that looks folded, it will have a window on the top. The
other I forgot.
Senecio, long narry blue glaucus leaves, I think it will
have white flowers, not interesting, good ground cover in
sun or shade
Sedum, not sure of, likely a hybrid, puplish/maroon short
pump lvs.

These are all common plants that grow fast, easy to ship, lose their color, grown in Vista Cal. by Robert and Deena Altman. Do not trust any of the names that you see on the labels. I don't care what the book says, look it up.
I don't care what Norma says, look it up, she has senior moments. I have recently found Sanseveria under the family name of Agave, Liliaceae, and Draceaneace. Always check spellings, especially if Norma writes it.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Merry Christmas Norma!!!!! and thank you:)

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Even though they might be in poor condition I wish I had a Lowes near me. But I don't. Hopefully soon I get one though. THanks for the heads up.
Those senior moments you are referring to. Hogwash!!! We all have them. I like to refer to them as brain farts...lol

Valley Village, CA

Holly I laughed so hard, thank you. I hope that this list will help all of you that buy plants Lowe's. Those Plants I have plenty of except the nuts/the 'Prayer Plant' and 'Pencil Plant' which is poinenous. If any of you want those in the Spring I can mail them. Again I will need the postage. The lady with the air between the ears.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

I have pencil plant of anyone would like to teade me for a pretty succulant.

Valley Village, CA

I sure will trade you, I want to know what you call a pencil plant. Senecio? or Euphorbia? There is also a 'Candle Plant' which I know is a Kleinia/Senecio
Senior Citizen, with air between the ears.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Crasulady - I believe it is a Euphorbia, also called stick plant. I also have several Kalonchoe, Burro tail,ceres. I will email you.

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