Something eating my bougainvillea

Baldwin Park, United States

This is my second post for this problem. I didn’t receive any answers the last time I posted this problem. Something is eating the leaves of my bougainvillea. One almost has no leaves left. Surely someone can help me identify the culprit and provide some possible solutions to this problem? It would be much appreciated.

Thumbnail by Duegen Thumbnail by Duegen

Oh man, sounds like your bougainvillea is having a rough time! If something's munching on those leaves and leaving them all raggedy, it's likely some pesky critters, like caterpillars or aphids, are to blame. They love to snack on plant leaves. A good place to start would be to check under the leaves and around the plant for these little buggers. For a quick fix, you might wanna try spraying them off with some water from a hose or going for some insecticidal soap or neem oil. That stuff usually does the trick. Keep an eye out, though; you might need to treat it a few times to kick those leaf-munchers to the curb. Good luck, buddy!

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