Bug? on Iris pseudacorus

Gramat, France

Just noticed two of these weird "bugs" on my water iris alongside what I assume are sawfly larvae. Any idea what they are.? They are about 10mm (3/8") long.

Thumbnail by davefrance Thumbnail by davefrance
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Post this on the insect identification forum where expert Flapdoodle will surely know.

Gramat, France

Thank you

The biggest enemy of every garden is ants. I've tried a lot of different pesticides that weren't effective. But soon, I found a great and effective one that also was natural and pet safe. The safest way to deal with ants is by using food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE), also called Best Ant Killer https://texasbugcontrol.com/best-pet-safe-ant-killers/ . It's an abrasive powder made from fossilized aquatic organisms called diatoms. When ants encounter DE, it scrapes off their exoskeletons like sandpaper, and without their exoskeleton, the ants die from dehydration.

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