cucumber bacterial wilt

Scarsdale, NY

novice gardener looking for advice. it appears all of my cucumber vines have bacterial wilt. is it too late in the season to rip them all out and replant new vines (i'm in zone 7a)? does the soil and trellis also need to be tossed, or is the bacteria not spread this way/only via the beetle?


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Not seeing the plants, I can't agree or disagree with the problem. If it is bacterial wilt that is due to insect vectors. I'm assuming you are growing in pots if you are considering discarding soil. I would discard the soil, disinfect the trellis and any tools used around plants and soil. Have Spinosad (preferably) or Neem on hand for the next round. Both are organic but should still be used judiciously. You've nothing to lose by trying another round. If cucumber beetles have visited once the next generations will return. Spray very early morning or close to dark to avoid spraying pollinators. The later season cukes will germinate and grow faster so hopefully you can have a redo.

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