Best/Worse/What did you learn today? Everyone welcome, a thread where all are welcomed..

Victoria Harbour, ON

Taken over my pond area, have to go..think I’ve most of the root system out but not all, will have to keep hoeing in hopes to rid myself of it.

Dianne, how is your weather?

Den, you must be counting the days?

Tired of being tired, nowhere to do, nobody to see, what I can do I pay for doing grrr

This afternoon John and Darlene stopped just long enough to hand me embroidery thread they purchased for me...I sat on front steps for a bit, Marie next door who checks up on me was coming home from walk and stopped to chat, I sear she was 6-8 ft away,car went buy and people yelled that we were not quarantining and causing COVID TO SPREAD.. saddened me greatly!

Crazy times

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crazy times indeed.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning everyone.
52 degrees this morning. Supposed to reach 88 this afternoon.
Not doing much the past few days. Been fighting a nasty sinus infection.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Pollen has been getting me. Funny, I've never had an allergy in my life and now this.


Hi everyone
Betty - you mentioned that they should have taken these strict measures at the beginning. Well, we wouldn't have put up with a Police State at the beginning, but now that they've introduced it "slowly" we are putting up with all the control they can muster. SHAME on those people who drove by, shouting at you - they're adding to the fear mongering. For those who think this will eventually end, no - it will only get worse, I'm sorry to say. I never thought we would be living in a police state, but here it is. George Orwille said 1980, but it took a bit longer...... 2020 and onwards.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I truly believe Susan that right now there is no other way so I accept that..Toronto,Peel etc numbers are the highest I believe in Canada and with all the cottages coming up and sharing Covid something must be done..

Not many are fighting it..

Worse is our hospitals are overfilled and next step in hospital will be choosing the strongest for beds and care and the week die..hard choice for physicians

Sphagetti sauce simmering, got 48 meat balls into the pot of sauce..just made filling for pie and now waiting for bread to rise.

Doctors office didn’t call so guess he is not dropping in today for my injections

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Well... she said YES. I certainly didn't have doubts. Although Kevin did not have doubts she would either, he was so nervous!!! So, once again my sons are going to marry in girls for me. I told them, having ONLY sons, it was up to them to bring the girls in!! Gloria is a lovely woman with an adorable little 5 YO girls, Karina. They have been dating for over a year.

I had an enjoyable visit. I spend the first 2 hours with Gloria's mother, just the 2 of us talking. We are very different people but both enjoyed our visit.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you enjoyed your visit. And that she said yes.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh happy days Pat, so glad things are turning out .. nice also you got one on one with her mother...and now you will have a new grandchild Karina....lucky you but more especially lucky her..

Can you believe it snowed a bit today

Waving to Sharon, Dianne, Deb and all others I’ve missed

Just ready to do finishing touches to supper, all these little tastes have filled me up lol

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Glad everything went so well, Pat!

I think today is the day for pups. We went to the vet yesterday afternoon for a last minute check. They did an xray to check on them, and they are both huge. There is concern that she will have problems passing them. We go back this afternoon, and they will do an ultrasound to check some "markers" to see if they are mature enough, and if they are, they will do a c-section. I'm guessing that they expect to go ahead, I was told to bring something to bring them home in. She is still acting completely normal.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

GOODNESS! that is exciting. Only birth I ever attended was my children!

Verona, ON

Oh exciting time for you Deb. I can't wait to see some photos.

I had a very bad tumble last Thursday and the left side of my face is a mess. The TH were wrestling and I was moving to get the door open so they could go outside. They clipped me behind my knees and down I went. My knees are really bruised but my face is badly bruised with those nasty deep red coloured bruises you get and take forever to go away. All around my eye there is swelling and I am having a hard time reading. I ventured out to Foodland yesterday but even pulling down my toque to hide it people were stopping me and asking what happened.. It was a quick trip

Today Chaos went to the vet to be sedated so his nails could be clipped. While he was out for the count they did routine blood tests and he passed them with flying colours.

It snowed overnight and is sticking. The sand trucks were out overnight and this morning. I met snow, sleet and rain Betty were you hit with the snow ?

What's everybody up to this week ? I am limited in what I can do so hope I heal up quickly.

Betty apparently there have been people in the village and parking lot at Foodland that have been yelled at for not keeping a distance.

Stay safe and well.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see those puppies.

Dianne, so sorry to hear about your fall. Praying you heal quickly.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Debbie, excited to hear all about the birth and photo’s of puppies..they are a big breed, how much do they usually weigh..what gender are you hoping for..hugs, know that regardless how many times your dogs have babies you are as worried as the I won’t sleep waiting to know what we are aunties to lol

Lordy Dianne that certainly isn’t good, although all you are going through is as painful if not more so than broken bones..I can just see you, mask on, toque pulled down, in older days they might have thought you to be a bank is hoping you soon will be well enough that you won’t be straining your eyes to read, know reading is your pleasure...if dogs could talk I’m sure the would be telling you how sorry they are for the mishap

What a day I’ve had

Just finished putting curlers in my hair and Greg called wanting to know if I would go pick him up at factory recreation as he had his Spider in for brakes and an oil job so I did that, no sooner did I get home I got a call from a lady call Debbie from census Canada saying they were in a pickle and would I agree to be a supervisor in my district, now the district is far north of where I live, I’m semi-knowledgeable about the area but still not enough I think to take on the job although she thought I did. She asked if she and a coworker could interview me at 12:30 on a special site that they would send me the link so I did do the meeting thank God I took the curlers out of my hair after Greg laughing at me, so I answered the question as best I could and before I even started she told me I had the job that this was just a preliminary they had to do.

When I finish the interview I was asked if I could do a half an hour run to pick up the training manuals that another lady who is was doing the job had. So off I went picked up the manuals stopped at Dollarama to pick up some scribblers and home I came. Oh my God I hadn’t been to a store since the emergency lockdown, Dollarama had clear tape in 1/2 the aisles..was funny, that was the least I ever spent at that store because 90% was seen as not essential.

Thinking of next Tuesday’s meal with Greg and Mel so stopped off at foodland, didn’t take long to spend $$$, roasts are so expensive.

Dianne I spoke to jim in our Toronto office, he said they had quite the downfall, it was 1c here with high winds, sun came out but still colder than a winter day.

Last night just before Greg and Mel got here Dr. land came, I took a sec to message Melanie and tell them to wait 1/2 hr before coming.. got 6 injections in my trapezius muscle and 2 in hip, a tad sore in shoulder today, last time it took a good week before the pain left. He said the medical clinic called him, they were doing more in-house tests today and he thought if results were back he would call me later tonight, if not tomorrow so just incase he does call I did not take my sleeping pill..know it’s early but I’m zapped.

He stayed about 1/2 hr, he was no sooner gone greg/Mel came for spaghetti, I had a big pot full of sauce and Greg asked after we had eaten when I was going to do with it, I said I didn’t really have a lot of space in my freezer but I did find a place so he said oh I’ll take it before you knew it he had two big Tupperware bowls filled with lids and the only thing I had to do was put the pot in the dishwasher.

I saw a few, well more than a few of those small ants, that time of year, drives me crazy so back to foodland to buy some ant containers..found (had to clean under zinc to find it) a tad of raid liquid, works best but they don’t sell it in Canada anymore, sure wish they did.

Guess I will fluff up the pillows and maybe read a bit.. training 5.5 hrs tomorrow on government site with 3 more new supervisors...big sigh as I think of the extra $$ that will give me my new floors..sharon’s Son is working in area for another 2-3 weeks so I think I’ll meet up with him and order flooring as it might take a few weeks to get it in.

Think I’ve chatted a lot, sure sign I’m tired

I’ll dream of puppy paws

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Dianne, after my son's dog knocked me down & gave me rope burns on my hands I have been 1/2 afraid to take either of them outside to potty! I really wish the yard was fenced but it still isn't.

I bought more soaker hoses & timers, got home and one of the soakers is defective. NOT a happy camper. I hate errands & have to do it twice really frosts my cookies.

Dead tired but still think it would be wise to read at least a few minutes. I have been running errands, then on to work with the Young Women, ANOTHER trip to grocery store and finally home. Stanley needs some lap time.

Tomorrow I will pick up my Aunt & take her to Marie's, we'll have lunch & I'll return her. Then 1 of Ben's former caregiver is coming to clean. I have hired Annie before when I get behind. My SIL Sharon is coming for dinner & then we will work outside, It will be a full day. I am planning to make Riced cauliflower with a homemade mushroom gravy and chicken. I'll let you know if it's worth repeating LOL.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, sure hope your injections work quickly for you.
Good luck with your new job.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Break for lunch in training session for lunch..go back on at 2:30
Mega into,documents and enumerators, not a wonder the other lady did not want to do it, mostly islands

Am sure meds will help

Another full day for you Oat

Dianne hope that today is a good day for you..a lady is cutting dog nails and said I could drop of Ziggy but I’m thinking of seeing how soon I can get into vets where they can do like your vet did and give him an infection..mind me asking what your vet charges?? Think I’ll do that now so I can cancel the other appointment

Deb, how is the puppy situation

Liz, missing you

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh Betty, I sure hope that Census work isn't too much for you. I thought I could handle it but got wiser about it.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

We have two big boys! From what I remember they are usually 8-12 oz, well, the small one is a little over a pound, the bigger boy is 20.5oz. They are both doing really well. Mom wasn't too sure what to think about them, but, at some point overnight, she decided that they were pretty neat. Now I have to force her to leave to go out to potty. They are just so cute, I can just sit and watch them all day. I'm supposed to be working from home next week, I wonder how much will actually get done!

Thumbnail by momcat Thumbnail by momcat Thumbnail by momcat Thumbnail by momcat
Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohh deb, 2 handsome puppy exciting is taking to them? Tonight you will be able to rest and mommy will take over her watch..are you home for a few days..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awe! How precious. Congratulations on the new puppies.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Awww Deb, that's awesome.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks! Not much sleep last night. They are in my bedroom, and they both have a good set of lungs on them! One or the other is constantly pushing himself off to the other side of the kiddie pool and then lets everyone know that he's lost. Mom is being great with them.
I need to make a run to work to pick up my laptop and some papers. I'll be working from home next week. I hate to lay down during the day, but, I may have to, once I run my errands. The can of Coke I drank this morning isn't doing it's job of waking me up!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

16 oz & 20 oz... she birth 1 month old puppies! LOL. Goodness they are beautiful. My son just had his Lab bred so we are expecting puppies 6/23 if she took.

Verona, ON

Oh Deb you must be over the moon happy. A cute couple of chunks ! You'll be so happy to work from home next week. And you will get to smell puppy breath.

Betty I have paid as little as $50 and up to $125 for sedation and the nails clipped. I would imagine it would be less for a cat. Give your vet a call and get a quote.

Oh Pat Lab puppies - you will be on cuteness overload when they arrive. Chocolate Labs ? I can't remember what you said.

My face is slowly healing but is still quite a sight. My left eye is still if it is still doing so on Mon I will call the doctor.

Stay safe and well.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, listening to my Sharon I certainly get a feel for what you are going through..thank goodness for being able to work from home.keep posting photos please

Wonder where our Sharon is, here is hoping all ok in her neighbourhood

How is the search going Karen re having your quilting done

How does the battle go Pat, are you having downtime?

Ziggy’s nails done

Well me episode was less terrifying than I thought, at least for me
Petted him for awhile, when he got relaxed I did the towel thing..what I didn’t do was check to make sure zipper closure worked after being in back shed rusting, but managed..left him in it at the house for 15 minutes, didn’t like it but then settled, he was fine until I started to drive, he was meowing big time as I was i lol

Had 1/2 hr wait sitting in the sun, had windows down and he just laced there wondering what was happening, get attendant said he wasn’t a problem, maybe frightened or she was fibbing to make me feel better.

He is home, licking his paws and going from room to room, you would almost think he had been gone for months.

I will keep the crate in living room for awhile, putting treats in it so he gets used to it.

Was cheap. $16.95

Must have tired him out, been relaxed all day

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Jessica had caps put on rotten kitty's claws. Hope they stay on and keep her from climbing the curtains. Not going to replace our bedroom drapes just yet until we see if these work.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I understand the only problem with caps is they do come off & need to be replaced. I would FREAK if Stanley was climbing curtains!!! He's a naughty little rascal but then I hear about other cats do and I have to rethink my evaluation of him! LOL

Adam's female, Nova, is a chocolate lab & male is beautiful black, Thaddeus is huge although both are pure breed, his coat is very shiny but slightly wavy. When my nephew had his 2 females breed 2 years ago, they had HUGE litters!! Thaddeus is from one of their litters.

Andrew (Ben's former caregiver) and his wife came Friday for dinner. After dinner I sent them home with 4+ boxes full of plant starts for their new home. It will be so much fun to see them turn their yard into their own Eden. Andrew is the gardener, Paulette says she has a black thumb. They are the cutest couple, early 50s, he is from England and they met online. This is their first home purchase together, they have been married for several years now. The will be back another weekend to use my cement molds and make a garden bench & stepping stones.

My neighbor teen came prior to company and he did such a great job of mowing, even the weeds in the far back. He moved all the heavy garbage cans to the road for me (Sharon & I had been weeding & raking leaves out of flower beds, picking up branches from high weeds).

We haven't heard from Susan in a bit. I hope she is doing OK. This is a rough time for sure.


Sorry that I haven't been on much. This whole thing for Bob & I has gotten WAY out of hand. I'm all talked out about it with people here, so if you'll bear with me, I'll let you know the ugly details when things calm down a bit.


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that Susan. Take your time.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

(((Hugs to Susan))

Verona, ON

Susan sending positive thoughts and hugs your way.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Big armwraps Susan...sure hope both of you can manage to get through this bump in the road..

Imagine, snowed today, went out to try and plant a few bulbs I had bought and try to do remainder of the perennials I had purchased but even with coat and heavy gloves I froze after 15-20 minutes

Had to take an hour ride to, sign papers for Census Canada then home again, there went 2 1/2 hrs.

Have fireplace going, had hot bath, have lasagna out for supper but think first hot chocolate the read manuals again.

Wouldn’t you know many of my areas have islands included in regions..if you knew Georgian Bay you would know the dangers .. apparently they are looking for marinas to take enumerators out by boat..I’m just shaking my head..think it’s something though they should have gone through with enumerators hired...

Enough of that, I just went out and shut off the pond water feature, no sense running it in this weather.

What did you all get up to this weekend, hope it was more exciting than I.. just smiled, you know the less active I am I think the less active Ziggy is .. sleep on back of couch, sleep on spare bed, then the room mom uses then the minute I get in my bed he comes and settles in for the night.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Employment short lived, I emailed them I will not continue with census Canada..

Too many chances for being in charge of everyone’s wellbeing, mine included
That it would be fun, extra money and fill my days

Nope, want to be gardening and sewing or nothing at all

Big sigh of relief


telling quick & dirty - everything's a real mess here. Went to a counselling session with our church's interim minister. BAD counselling....... Bob's done nothing wrong, I need to negotiate & let him go back to work at Naomi's until he feels the work is done. Start with 1 or 2 days, and when I'm comfortable, we're to "negotiate" so he can do More days. At the end of the session, I said "I'm not a bad person" and she said "yes, you are".
Friday morning, I "called" him on it and we had a huge fight - I called the police (domestic abuse, but we're both fine) and now there's a court date of May 17. We are not to talk to one another or see one another (Peace Bond) except through the police. We cannot reconcile during this time. Apparently the RCMP has regulated these things and there's no way we can reconcile until after the court date.
Bob left & I'm home. He didn't get the message because his cell phone is turned off. He came home yesterday & I told him about the Peace Bond, so he's sleeping in the RV at the repair shop (they're putting in a starter), then he'll move it somewhere to live in it until May 17th..
As my daughter said, and I repeated it to Bob - this is one month out of the 22+ years we've been together.
I'm not letting down my guard, but he was pretty shocked that we had to be apart for most of a month. It was the earliest date they could get.
Well, it's giving us both time to think, and I'm keeping busy & productive. Decluttering prior to the May long weekend sale I will have (after the court date).
btw - the police spoke to Naomi and told her "No contact with Bob" and then they told him the same thing "no contact with Naomi". Of course, this is not enforceable, but at least she knows. She is a person known to police because of "issues" she & her dad have had with other contractors. Obviously this is different, but they know that she's "special needs, mentally challenged" and may not remember the directive they gave her, but I THINK Bob finally "gets it".

This message was edited Apr 25, 2021 4:31 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So sorry Susan.
Keeping you in our prayers.

Verona, ON

Betty I am relieved to read you resigned the census job. While I sure don't know the area around Georgian Bay as you do I have spent a lot of time years ago up there. God's Country for sure but that's a mish mash of islands and points.

Susan continuing to send positive thoughts and prayers.

My face is healing well but I still have some deep red bruises around my left eye. That eye is weeping continually. A NP farther up the lane saw me and she thinks I cracked the bone above my eye. There is quite a bump there with a knot sticking out of the bruises.

I hope I can get some heavy chores done in the next few days. They are piling up since I couldn't do anything since I hurt myself.

Pat I can hardly wait to see the puppies once they arrive. I love Labs. Quill my last chocolate Lab was such a sweetheart.

Stay safe and warm/cool.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, almost seems a whole day has passed as I was up bright and early, cooking home fries, bacon and eggs as a treat.already did a load of wash and drove 1/2 hr to drop off census to lady I had picked them up from.

Susan I am so sorry about the situation you now find yourself in, hope something is resolved at the court date. Big sigh..after all these years married and now time to enjoy last of your days together for this to happen... there are no words..hugs and prayers

Dianne, perhaps she is right and maybe you should go get it checked must be worried re blood clots..maybe you do not want to overdo today not knowing what could be wrong..maybe rest, the gardens and housework can wait..are you able to read now??

What have you been up to Lindakay, working at quilting?

Wish we would get an update from Sharon, worried she is unwell.

Haven’t listened to Covid news, must do to see what is happening in our region..

Myniece’s husband is just hanging on re Covid, news gets worse each day.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear all you're going through, Susan. Maybe the shock of having to leave will knock some sense into Bob. Maybe.

Pat, I'll be anxious to see photos of the lab pups when they're born! How exciting!

My boys are doing good. Teagan is being such a great mom.

Thumbnail by momcat Thumbnail by momcat
Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh wow, aren’t they cute and mom is so Regal!
How is working from home this week going? Easier for you?

Ford, Ontario Premier just ask Federal Government for Army and Red Cross to come help..things are going progressively worse.

In Manitoba they are being told anyone a person who lives alone must stay in and only 1 person can visit..yikes

I see Greg and Mel Tuesday night for supper, hope that can be continued

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