Best/Worse/What did you learn today? Everyone welcome, a thread where all are welcomed..

Verona, ON

Betty did you get the alert about staying home on your cell or TV ? It scared Kai, Chaos and I - it sure was loud. I'll go to Foodland for 8 am on Sat to get what I need.

Lovely day here. I could wear shorts.

LK that's great you are going to get together with the person who moved away .Hope you had a delicious lunch and great conversations.

Whoa Susan that gal should have a big sign saying 'don't believe a word I say' or maybe a tee shirt.

Stay safe and well.

Victoria Harbour, ON

this “swamp lady” is waving hello..been outside since early morning..I keep wondering why it went much easier today and came up with 2 reasons
. I emptied pond in the fall so less leaves and sludge to contend with
. Did not wear the fishing waders, they are so heavy and the shoulder straps
weigh a ton, less aggravation on my shoulders

I was also blessed, at times Marie came over ad did Cathy to check up on me, all gabbing while making sure I didn’t slide in the sludge and hit my head on the rocks.

Now have pond 1/2 filled, will shut water off and pump off so that in the morning I can empty again and put cap on water feature so it sprays, refill and voila biggest garden job done.

Also was on the phone for a few hours chatting with family and friends while lounging.

Could I finish it today?? Sure could but tomorrow is another day
I did not hurt myself, will be a tad sore but not like normally am
Oh how I love the sound of water

Lindakay, enjoy your visit with your friend

Susan, looks like everyone is wising up to her

Wind is up, Sharon made another quilt top and coming to show me, need to stay in recliner so she sees I’m relaxing outside lol

Then a hot bath, meds and watch a movie

Victoria Harbour, ON

1/2 done

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful pond, and huge.

Victoria Harbour, ON

In the center it’s around 4’deep over 20’ circular

Sharon wanted my thought on her borders for the quilt top she just finished today, love the pattern..she was here 1/2 hr..don’t know why I thought it was Wednesday, wondered why the guy delivered my paper, wow, where did this week go

This message was edited Apr 9, 2021 7:46 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I spent the majority of the day in my front garden. I removed the yellow oxalis, (sourgrass). It is beautiful in the winter but as soon as the heat hits, it want to die back. I found quite a few very dry area that should not be dry. My garden helper kept giving me excuses and I just went along with him. I will fix it myself Saturday. He had no response to the irrigation lines with sprayers on each end of the irrigation tubing. He did get all of the coleus I started from cutting and nurtured through the winter in the garage planted. I have another order coming from Rosey Dawn. I also cleaned up a side garden by my bedroom. It has been driving me crazy and it is now clean. Clean, the Sharon K. Winter way. I would work in the garden tomorrow but have a HOA workshop I need to attend. But I only have one appointment next week, so I have plenty of time to get things done.

Betty, I am so pleased you worked on your pond and had no ill effects. Your sister's quilt is lovely.

Dianne, why would you get an alert to stay home? I guess I should turn on the TV. I have not had it on all day.

Linda, great you have an old friend in town to catch up with. I would love to catch up with my very dear old friends, but I would have to die to do so.

I will check in tomorrow. You all have a wonderful morning.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, best of luck to you & creating a new and better life. With or without Bob. When I divorced I could not find anyone silly enough to take me up on the offer of $100 bet that X would be married within the year. (and he was!) No way could he take care of himself LOL.

Betty, glad to hear it was easier and you are starting to take it slower and adjust.

Linda K, I hope you enjoyed visiting with old friends!

Karen, you sound like you have a wonderful time!

Sharon, sorry to hear you are facing more issues due to shoddy work.

Diane, Stanley's visit in February they retrieved him from me in the parking lot. Sounds like on the whole Chaos was a good boy.

Marie & I kitted up the large Cabbage Patch dolls and made extra kits. Then sorted out the Medium Cabbage Patch stuff, then 18 inch. After seeing how few shorts we had, I went home and sewed like crazy until this afternoon & went back over to restart. I did a head count of all the type of dolls and the clothes available and decided that until more clothes were made, I was wasting my time. THEN - look up on Marie's shelves and their is a big tote labeled "Finished doll clothes" and then ANOTHER!!!
We resorted everything, we labeled it all by size and packed it away for the time being. I have company coming tomorrow night and desperately need to get a guest room ready. And clean the sewing room!! Guest has to pass thru sewing area to get to the guest room with the King size bed. I really don't want to force Sim (As my husband would say "my unofficial nephew)" to sleep in the twin bed in the other spare room..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sharon, it sounds like you need a new garden helper. You shouldn't be doing all that work by yourself.
Betty, that quilt is beautiful. She has been busy with her quilts.
There were 2 ladies in the quilt shop yesterday fron Quebec. They are winter Texans. They are amazed at how cheap our fabrics and batting is. They bought $500.00 worth of goodies. They make crafty things, like pincushions and microwave bowls while they are here. When they return to Canada, they go to big craft fairs and sell them.
Pat, sounds like you were busy making doll clothes. Don't know if I could make small things like that.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

On Tuesday my daughter got her hair cut. It was long enough to donate to Wigs for Kids. Yesterday her hair started falling out. I had a bit of a cry over that.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, weatherman said it would be sunshine this morning and rain this afternoon but it looks like the rain will be here at any time so won’t be gardening..

Dianne, the “Emergency Stay At Home” alert came on several times..both Marie and Cathy’s cel phones were ringing for a good 5 minutes... now if everyone listens it will be worth it..I still say shit absolutely everything down for 2-3 weeks, rid ourselves of Covid once and for all.

Lindakay you have no idea cost of sewing supplies here..I would say around $100-120 for good quality batting, most of yardage it between $15-25 meter (39”)..sure do miss Joann’s big time, lol think I’ve enough batting for 1 more quilt and that is it..will have to place an order with Sharon for a roll and share it. Let’s hope the ladies in Quebec will be able to have their sales..I could be wrong but I think under new mandate Canadians presently stateside have to have a Covid test before entering Canada then stat at a government designated hotel for 3 days while waiting for results of Covid test taken this side of the border, if ok they still must quarantine for 14 days at home..know there is a Covid department that calls at random hours to make sure they are home.

Pat, men have a lot harder time to adjust to break up and care for themselves, not a wonder your ex was married within the year, somebody should have challenged you, you would be up $100 .. Lordy sounds like you won the lottery finding those totes..does that mean you won’t have to sew more clothing? Hmm if Kyle has a girl maybe I should buy a doll and make a wardrobe so if I’m not here during her childhood she can play. With great-Grandma

Sharon, think it’s time to find a new Gardner..what does Roses Dawn Nursery sell and what do you buy?? I was thinking of looking at Vessey catalogue and dream..

Marie just brought me what I think is peanut butter cookies fresh from over..wanted to make sure I didn’t get in pond to finish the job without someone watching over me...just as she left it started to rain.

Now that it’s an inside day what to do??

I bought a set of good towels to embroider for Darlene as a birthday gift..was going to monogram her 3 initials, she loves simplicity so maybe an M on them, that would look after today

So what are you guys up to today

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann just called, we were suppose to get our shots tomorrow, 15 minutes apart so we’re going to travel to Orillia together, damn she looked after grands on the weekend and ended up with bad cold, had to cancel

Verona, ON

Sharon the emergency alert was to let the province know the Premier Doug Ford has shut everything but essential services down. I sure feel for the small business owners as many are going to lose their business in this third lockdown.

Karen sending positive thoughts and prayers for your daughter. Wonderful she could give her hair to Wigs for Kids.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The loss of hair can be such a traumatic loss. So many women cut if all off rather than watch it fall out.

Well, we sure won't have to slave like crazy to make enough clothes. I have been teasing Marie that I can't trust her. I am going to OPEN all her totes and check them!! It was a good day, we got so much done and her guest room is no longer trashed with doll junk.

Tonight Ben's "unofficial nephew" comes for 2 nights. He going with his brother to help build a ramp for their Mom. She is no longer steady on her feet and they are building a ramp for the back door. Sim usually stays with us/ me since we have a guest room he knows he is welcome to. My house is a convenient stopping over place, his mom's house is not conducive to guests.

I have teased my family that if my HOUSE had an Indian name it would be "Every pottys here". The first thing thru people lips upon entering my house is usually "I'm headed to your bathroom!" Do I have that effect on people?? LOL Actually the hospital and doctor's office is just down the road, plus it the first place my family from Wooten stop at (from 2 hours away) or my In-laws (more than 1 & 1/2 hours) etc...

Victoria Harbour, ON

We must have cross posted Karen, could her hair be made for a wig for her?
Sad time for you Judy would say along with prayers am sending big armwraps.

Well Pat, if I am ever in the area i will stop for my “potty” break lol
Glad your day was productive.

Dianne, we are all caught between a rock and hard place aren’t we..coming to the point where we will have to open all up and fend for ourselves, no other way I guess or more businesses will be list bar big box stores.

Don’t know where the day went but it went. Made Lenny 2 Covid masks, embroidered hand towels, moved on to the towel and wouldn’t you know design screwed up.., 6” different than 4 and 5”.. it’s either buy another set or try and be creative...grrr

Victoria Harbour, ON

A few mishaps

When I saw what it was doing tried to salvage it but too late, needle went through my finger, broke bobbin, at least no blood on towel. I left to water soluble on the towel until I can decide if I can try and repair using stitching on regular machine

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

I am sad, Helene just passed away, they let her family in to say their goodbyes..many restrictions and precautions taken

Played and did some stitches where the design didn’t, I’ll do 2nd towel tomorrow and do same, I might just put darlene’s Initial on facecloths, that way it will look like what they are suppose to look like..

Calling it a day

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well I am late again. I had a HOA board workshop today regarding community sidewalks and street scape trees. Took 3 hours. But got many items worked out so now we can have a meeting and amend the CC&R's.

Betty, I bet that needle going through your finger really hurt. The towels are beautiful. I would cherish towels like that if I could find them. Guess I need to go on Google and ask. I have some lovely embroidered towels but they are wearing out. Many of my treasures are gradually wearing out. So sorry to hear about Helene.

Karen, so sorry about your daughter's hair but I had a neighbor that lost all of her hair and it all grew back. Have you rested up from your trip.

Pat, my home was the place all the relatives that visiting in town and their friends stopped by my house for potty, swimming and eating. I had the pool and BBQ and they usually brought the food to be BBQ'd. They were usually in town to play baseball or basketball. Great find on the totes. I surprise myself when I open a container and find something I forgot I even had.

Yes, my garden helper is a mess. I have fired him many times. Last time he was gone for over a year. He is like a bad penny. I do not mind working on irrigation nd if I had it to do over, I would have oversaw the dirt building of the small hill and kept tract of the irrigation. I think it is not rocket science but it must be. He told me yesterday the President of Caesar's Palace pays him $425 a day. I turned around and asked him why he was here then (my home). He just looked at me.

It is bed time so I must sign off. Hugs

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So sorry to hear that Helene passed away. Sending our condolences and prayers.
Oh, I know all too well, how bad that finger hurts the needle went through. Please keep it clean.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear of Helene's passing.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

My daughter is such a trooper, I'm sure she's handling it all. She said when I was there that if it comes back she'll have to do this all over again, and she intends to.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, I smell like a smoked Betty lol
Went to get Covid Pfizer shot, didn’t even feel the needle
Treated myself to McDonald’s only because it was at the main intersection, ate a meal so don’t have to cook tonight..worked a bit at getting the plow mound shovelled, too dry so I will wait until it rains tomorrow and get more done.

73F right now, thermostat shows 78F, not a wonder I thought it was hot in the house.

Karen, glad to hear your daughter is a fighter (much like her mom), praying she wont have to fight it again and will be in remission.

Sharon, great question to ask lol why would he work for you when he could make that kind of money..are there other workers your neighbours use that could put you on their list for caring for your yard?

How are you Deb?

lindakay, has your friend gone back home and you are now on regular shop hours?

Just talked 1/2 hr. With mom, Lordy she has issues with being alive grrr

I’m comfy in bed now, Ziggy spent time outside so he is beside me purring, window open and fan over bed going on high speed..can’t ask for anything better!


sorry to hear of Helene's passing.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Someone celebrating, firecrackers going off
Good for them

Arm intender, no pain just tender

Dozed off but now I’m wide awake

Missed saying thank you for all your condolences, was just looking at quilt she made for her daughter, was her 1st quilt, she was so think this same daughter came up to a family celebration and very sad for them all

This message was edited Apr 10, 2021 8:10 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Her 1st quilt

Ohh also brokemy glasses, end of arm broke off

This message was edited Apr 10, 2021 8:12 PM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Betty - lots of people wised up to her before Bob got helping her with the renovations, but we didn't want to believe them. We tried to do our Christian duty, but it's not Christian the way she used both Bob & I. I pulled out, but Bob kept on. Now he's on the straight and narrow. Told him - "I don't care if the Wicked Witch of the West pulled off her roof, you are not to do anything more for her". Now he's doing stuff around our house, and he seems much happier today. He was seriously hurting his back climbing up & down ladders at her place. Here, he can take it easier and do things at his leisure. He cleared out & straightened up our large shed (took 4 hours to do it) and put up a plant shelf for my veggies in the living room window.
As for me, I'm most of the way finished putting a stone coat on the bathroom counter. Need to put another coat of sealant on it then wait for it to cure for 24 hours before gently using it. After 1 week it will be fully cured.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning didn’t sleep well last night but NOT because of the vaccine, just a little tender spot. Rain on its way..let Ziggy out who has now decided he wants outdoors and cried a good part of the night as he wanted out.

Decided to shovel a bit of plow dirt and found 2 large cement rhubarb leaves, uncovered them, think there are 2 more to be found but decided I had done enough for now..came it, went to washroom to wash my hands, lordy lordy I had decided I was taking a bath when i went to let Ziggy out..water almost to the top,thank god I didn’t decide to do the other cement leaves.

Glad to hear Susan that things are working out..a woman like Naomi doesn’t quit easily when she is able to con a man into doing her work rather than theirs and likely enjoys seeing the havoc she is causing..glad he is doing things for you and I am anxious to see your counter to..

Bath time

Victoria Harbour, ON

Could have been a mopping day

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Verona, ON

Good morning. Rain is on the way here too Betty.

Kai did his 4 am wake up call this morning. He is full of P and V and romps around until about 6 or 7 then goes back to sleep. Of course I can't go back to sleep.

Not sure what I am up to today. The weather will determine that.

Stay safe and well.


our weather is cool & overcast. Last night it snowed a bit, but all gone. Just flurries.
Really should start my planting for the garden. Have lots of pots & soil, just need MORE motivation hahaha

Victoria Harbour, ON

It’s just a light mist here, just enough that you don’t wants to get outside working and get a chill so playing downstairs..

Dianne, Kia sounds a lot like Ziggy, who needs an alarm clock, it’s the having us get up to meet their needs to find them sleeping few minutes later and we are wide awake

Susan, yikes, snow is a bad word here after having a week of summer, do hope that is not all we are going to get lol .. it’s a tad early for any outdoor planting here at least but going by the farmers and do late May planting

I too Susan have a lot I want to do, get into but need MORE motivation but I think Mother Nature will decide what we all can do right?

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Things are moving along here, 10 days until puppies. We've had a few hiccups along the way. Been back and forth to the vet a few times. For some reason her progesterone level started dropping, which will trigger labor. It's gone up a little in the past couple days, so we're monitoring it. Back to the vet on Weds for another blood test. I'm afraid to go out and buy the things I know I should have on hand. Maybe next weekend. If she goes into labor early, they won't survive, but, if it does drop, the vet can give her supplements. My stomach is just in knots worrying about this.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Such a worry about the new pups and their Mom. I can understand why your stomach is in knots.

Betty, that was a very close call. A lady up the street did that and left the house. When she came back the whole ceiling downstairs was down and they are still doing repairs. Big time insurance claim.

Glad you found your cement plaques. Why are they under dirt. You are again getting rain and we are getting nothing but wind. going to be 86today and 84 tomorrow and then a cold front moves in with, of course, wind. Then we will cool down to mid 70s. We are currently about 10 degrees above normal. Betty, how did you break your glasses.

Dianne, sounds like you might have a wonderful peaceful Sunday. My dogs go to sleep and sleep through the night until i wake up which is usually 9am.

I am again trying toilet paper on the holder. So far 3 days and Peanut, the cat, has not bothered it. But I am making sure there is not a piece hanging down to get her attention.

I am having a restful day. I worked myself hard yesterday and I am going to try to take it easy today.

Betty, Rosy Dawn only sales Coleus. The majority of the nurseries here do not get them soon enough for the time they need to be planted. Little pricey but that is the reason I worked so hard and saved my money. I usually do not look at the price of food or plants. But on plants, I do have a mental limit what I will spend. All depends on how badly I think I need a certain plant and where it fits in my color scheme.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

My oldest daughter and I always disagreed over TP placement. I a down the front person. She says down the back is best because the kids aren't as likely to stand and unroll it. She has a point and it might work for the cats too.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Your daughter IS A TROOPER for sure Karen!!!
Betty, OUCH!!! That hurt just looking at it. Sorry to hear of Helene's passing.
Sharon, I am with you, if they pay $425 per day WHY are you here???

My Sister In law Sharon came Saturday & together we cut down the last of the wisteria (a stump about 18 inch diameter) and cleared the North flower beds down to just dirt. We both love our power tools. She is one of the only women that understand how I love using my chain saw! I am a hurting unit today, hands and knees.

My helpers are coming tomorrow morning and they will take the hide-a-bed Love seat OUT of my house & set it in my garage so I can put it up for sale. It just didn't work out, too big for the space and I guess I just will NOT have an extra bed IF/When son & family come. I will get up early and make brownies since they likely won't take money again.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, rainy day!

Deb sure Am praying all will go well with the birth of your pups, when you say they will not live if the are born now, do they not have incubators to help them along..not a wonder you are concerned and sick to your stomach. Hugs

Karen, some time ago I posted the actual design of creator when he was putting design in his own name..shows correct way lol

Pat, you are blessed with so much help..wish I lived closer, I’d be having a look at the Murphy bed, that being said don’t know what I’d be doing with it lol

Sharon, I made large cement rhubarb leaves and made steps with them, once steps were made I added a few to trail towards the gardens, they are the ones that got covered rom plowing..need my driveway done.. glad you also decided to take a restful day for yourself
Just heading into town for a few groceries, drop off embroidered towels I did for Darlene, stop at optometrist and see what can be done about my glasses, drop in to see if pharmacy got vaccine serum in for shoulder and hip, all goes well I should be home by 11 unless I go to my girlfriends who says the plants she is selling are ready so maybe I will include that as well

Victoria Harbour, ON

Holy, I was on high speed this morning, dropped of at the office to make sure all was ok, did groceries, dropped off the embroidered towels and had a chat with Darlene, dropped my glasses off to see if they can put new arm, hoping she has one seeing they don’t carry the make anymore, she will call tomorrow, here is hoping..then to the meat store, pharmacy and lastly my girlfriend called me last night that she was opening up tomorrow for general public re plant sale but wondered if I wanted to come first..bought 40 perennials, should have bought more, she charges $1 each and $2 for hostas

Tempted to have her put 20 more aside and I’ll get tomorrow

Still light rain or I’d be out working in the gardens,,starting to see green leaves opening..exciting

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

At a $1 a piece I could not have never limited myself to just 20! We got the loveseat moved out of the house & I got the picture loaded and listed. Now to attend to 100 other things that need work.
The pink tulips out front are at their end. The variegated iris up at the house have big swollen buds so their beautiful lavender blooms will be soon. The 2 clematis are putting out shoots like crazy and will make a beautiful show when in bloom. I cut them both back so hard last fall I really held my breath!

Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2
Victoria Harbour, ON

Sharon went and bought $25 then asked me to have Ann (another Ann) to set another 20 aside so why not, told her to pick me up another 20..that will make 60 for me. they are quite a size.. I lost my moon flowers last year, was excited I was able to buy 4.

Got a call from joanne, her best friend after waiting for what seemed forever had her operation for breast cancer scheduled for 9am but was cancelled because she tested positive

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Oh goodness.... that is a set back for sure.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Tired tonight, Running a bath so decided to close back entrance door like I always do for the night, was startled, came in and got my iPad to take photo and he was still sitting there wanting to come in!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

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