Did the groundhog see his shadow at your home?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 9 votes:

Unfortunately, yes. Six more weeks of winter
(5 votes, 55%)
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No he didn't! Spring is on the way!
(3 votes, 33%)
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What is a groundhog and what does he have to do with the weather?
(0 votes, 0%)
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I'm in the Southern Hemisphere and we are heading into fall.
(1 votes, 11%)
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Previous Polls

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I have a groundhog that lives in the berm behind my back fence. I think it's the female who had three little groundhogs last year.

In February, males will come out of hibernation and search for females' burrows. When he finds one, he heads on in. It is believed that males do this to introduce themselves to possible mates.

Tobyhanna, PA(Zone 5a)

We have groundhogs just about every year. There has always been a burrow under our back deck. About 2 years ago a family moved in next door and they have 3 Border Collies, and one of them killed a groundhog last year. I doubt that the groundhogs will be around this coming year ... or they probably will just relocate.

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