Now what is it you watch on T.V.?

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Jo, you aint r ya.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan you might have known 'someone' especially a Cockney was bound to react. By the way, do you have a Norfolk accent? I think I'm going to start a new thread, since we have gone completely off track here. So how's about it then? I shall call it "What's new"!

louisa, to tell you the truth i have no idea what i sound like to others, the accent here is not quite Norfolk, its hard to explain it, its broader here than in the south of the county, i could send myself crazy trying to work it out, its one of those that you have to hear it, to know what i mean, but Norfolk is only ten miles from here, and the accent changes considerably in that ten miles, i think its safe to say, that the fenland accent is unique, but its not Norfolk.

And i was waiting for a londoner to speak up, they couldnt resist it.


(Norfolk Boy) Oi caint reed oar roit bot oi cin droive a tracturrrr !


Oh ok I don't mean it really - smiley face.


Ha, pleased to see you still have that wicked sence of humour of yours, and i am NOT from Norfolk, you cheeky bugger, lol.


Mmmmwwaaaahh !!

Just on the subject of accents (somewhere in here), when we were on holiday in the Forest of Dean once, my son pinched my bike (it WAS a long time ago) and fell off. First we knew was when a local farmer wandered down to the field where we were camping, and said

Oim zorrry do af d'tell yooo, yorrr zon's broke izz aarrrm.

To make it worse, they'd already taken him off to hospital in the next town.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Mary - I'm laughing out loud - can't help it! Sorry! Bad taste really since your son broke his arm. Your spelling just tickled me!

Sounds just like Jethro, lol.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Giggles and more giggles!!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

....ya'll are funny!..thanks for the smile, Lisa

Lisa, you have bben quite, you ok.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

yep! Just kinda' watchin' :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Was it this Patty's birthday? Gosh, how did you all know?

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