Now what is it you watch on T.V.?

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I am not a Trekkie! They're silly people who dress up and have conventions. I'm a straightforward fan of the original Star Trek - no-one can beat Mr. Spock. What always puzzled me was why, with all the scientific advances they did foresee, they didn't have any idea how big a part closed-circuit television would play in the future. And, when Mr. Spock's mind-reading was such a big thing in the original, there's so little of it in the later series.

We (in Ireland) don't have any Star Trek. We have every soap ever produced in Australia, most of the English ones, football and every other sport known to man (except baseball), quite a lot of documentaries, the very latest series of Friends and ER, and practically nothing worth watching.

Oh, I do actually turn the TV on to watch Heartbeat, and sometimes there's a film, and there's a political satire one I always manage to miss, but mainly, it's the News and back to the computer.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I am afraid i dont watch much TV and if i do watch it must teach me something,i am again watching World At War for the third time. Watch the South Bank Show last night about Greta Garbo,and i have just read a book about her.Been watching Hitlers Henchmen and Nazi Women and what amazes me about the Germans in power under Hitler who believed in a pure race why were the lot of them so ugly looking,no way would i have gone out with any of them.Where were the blond hair and blue eyed leaders of this superace even Goebbels had a club foot. I much prefer reading, have just read Barbara Windsors life story and how i admire her with her life, she has not been happy.

Patty, its only fools and horses, British comedy, the best one too, even though its dated now its never been betterd or matched, and that includes any thing from the US, sorry, i am sure you would laugh your socks off if you watched it.

i like star trek, always have, but i draw the line at costumes and conventions, i'm not that bigger a fan.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Patty. Yes, Only Fools and Horses is excellent. I like a lot of the older Biritsh comedies. Faulty Towers and so on. But I like some American too. My father and I used to watch M*A*S*H regularly when we had satellite tv. I also like Frasier even though it isn't as good as when it first started.
I also like Star Trek, but I'm also not a Trekkie!! I think you have to go to conventions, wear odd clothes and speak in strange languages.
At the moment I'm watching very little television. Between gardening and the computer there isn't much time left over!!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

all wildlife programs on satelite TV, any garden/gardening related program and ....................

voyager new series at last
X files new series bring back Mulder!!
Dark Angel ummmmmmmmmmmm! honey dipped & sugar sweet
star Gate
Earth Final Conflict

........ so where/when do I get the time to be on here?


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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I love Alan Tichmarsh and Charlie on Ground Breakers. They can come and do my garden any time for 700 pounds. I like Gardeners Journal early in the morning here in the US but the shows seem to be all from Canada - not that I mind that, but I wish someone would do a programme from our neck of the woods.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Only fools and horses is to me the greatest programme ever to be on TV but i have asked before if the Americans had it on their TV.After that it has got to be Faulty Towers, mind you i love League of Gentlemen, we must not forget Blackadder, but i never found Mr Bean funny at all but Bernard and the kids loved it. Eastenders is not supposed to be a funny programme its the story of so called normal people who live in the East End of London, but you have got to realised it would cost a couple of million pounds to buy a house there now.It depresses me, they live in the pub all day, the market is just outside the front door, live in the real world.

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Patty, for someone who has never seen it, you got it spot on, thats about all that happens, lol, and it is funny.

louisa, that show is called ground force, and if they say £700, it must be an old show, its doubled now.

Oh, and Patty didnt i hear that you get comercial breaks every 12 minute over there, i thought we had it bad, every 20 minutes.


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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan, I just posted a message to you regarding what you gave up for Lent and I asked whether you were English as you had come out with "don't give a toss"! Now I know you are British and should have realized it sooner. Sorry for that! I watched a new programme this evening - Charlie from Ground Force has the show all to herself. Quite good really and she does create fantastic water features!

Patty, how can you sit and watch a good movie, with interuptions like that, how long does it take to watch a 1 1/2 hour show, our breaks last two or three minutes, how long do yours last ?.

Louisa, i am ENGLISH, big difference, according to a survey done in East Anglia, 70% of us say English rather than British, but is the other way round in the rest of the uk, funny that, but to be politicaly correct, yep, British.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Patty, I never ever call myself English, even though I was born in England. Both my parents were Scots, so is my sister, so are many of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I usually keep things simple and say British. I still tend to think of Scotland as home, it's what we always called it.

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan are you in East Anglia? I lived there most of my life!

Louisa, yes i am, North East Cambridgeshire, the Fens, about ten miles from Norfolk, how about you, were did you live.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I lived in Norwich when I first was married (married in Dereham). My father was stationed at Swanton Morley. After a lot of travelling to and fro I have lived in Norwich, North Walsham, Huntingdon, St. Ives, West Row, besides Singapore, Cyprus, Germany, N. Ireland, I have settled down for good - well almost - when the new house is built in May. Then that's it - I am at last on terra firma and shall put down my roots, and I couldn't have chosen a better place - it's beautiful!!

Louisa, you have been close to me then, March, not far from Huntingdon, have you lost your Norfolk accent yet.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan - Are yoo orlright then? ....LOL! No, I never had one. I don't suppose I have an accent really, travelled too much I suppose. Well, if you were so close to me, did you see me on the TV?. My garden was featured by Dr Stephan Buchazski on BBC television about 6 years ago. I've been in the US 4 years now.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Louisa, tell me about the one you were on, they are being repeated on sky tv a lot now, i will look out for you, so we have tv star in or mist, smile.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan, one thing you realize as you are getting older is that the things you want to get rid of just won't go and the things you really need to hang on to just seem to go pouuf! That's happening with my memory! I know the programme was an evening slot, probably About Anglia, because there were other feature besides gardening. I have tapes here (English tapes) and have not converted them into the American system yet. But when I do, I will let you know the name of the programme. It was definitely the famous doctor and it was BBC, that I do know because I have pictures to prove it.....LOL. (One way of jogging my memory).

LOOK East, if it was the BBC,professor Stephan buckswhatsisface, now has his own show, i thought perhaps you were on one of those, hoped you smiled for the camera,he does a thing where you take a sick plant to him or something and he tells you a load of [deleted] to make it better, is that what you did ?.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

No Alan, He came to our house and did a whole day's shooting and we ended up with a 10 minute slot on the show, but it was great fun. It was simply a tour of my garden. He is a bit of a pain and I would rather have had Roy Lancaster do it - my all time favourite gardener! I met him and his buddy (the one that limps) at Chelsea and they were so nice. (I think we have gone off thread

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes I do Patty and I'm an idiot because I don't know how to do it. Are there instructions anywhere? I am just hopeless with this kind of technology!

Dont run your self down, i dont know how to do it either, but i do know partly how with a scanner,i leave such things to the geniuses out there, i am sure you (we) will now get full intrutions on how to do it,(please) i look forward to seeing that one on the photo thread.

yes i have heard that buchaski is a bit of a smug git, i dont like the man myself, i havent seen Roy Lancaster for a while, i dont know if hes still on the box.


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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty & Alan - I almost know how to use the scanner, its just getting it from me to Alan, we get Eastenders here, 2 weeks behind your showing. I think it's a dreadful show but addictive, and it is hard not to watch it because I suppose it links us with the UK. My hubbie loves it!!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Patty, Louisa, first you have to put the pictures on your files in your hard drive. Then when you go to the Photo forum, you just go as you are starting a new thread. Under the bottom of the thread box there is a little button that says 'browse'. Click on to it. It will open up your files. Find where you have saved it, then click on it. Easy as that. Then you hit the preview button and it shows the picture 'thumbnail' size. If it is the way you like it, press send. Then it is done!Lets see, I'll have to find my notes where Dave gave the best size for the pics. I'll find it and then let ya'll know. Hope this helps, Lisa

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Lisa we will give that a try. Has the storm got worse? BTW this thread has been completely gone to the dogs....LOL! I don't mind if it's OK with everyone else - about the change of thread I mean. I guess it's up to you Patty - are you bothered about this? After all, you started the thread. It seems to have become a catch-all...LOL

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I think I may have hurt my back today so I need to sign off and get into bed. I will try the photo tomorrow. Who needs a chat room. We have one all to ourselves....:-).

Goodnight and God bless friends! Stay safe!

Morning All
You All still with us, its still early in your Am, i hope that storm hasnt given any of you a headache.

Louisa, Hows Your back this morning, did you manage to get some sleep with it ?, I take it that your Hubby is an American ?, if so i cant understand why he likes eatenders, i think it gives US viwers the wrong impression of Londoners, after all they are much worse than that in real life, and a few of them move out into the country, they are a real pain, arrogant, antisocial, and thankfully a lot of them go back, but, there are a few, very few of them that are ok, and can adjust to a completely different way of living.

I am haveing a new pc built next week, this one has to to the ex, i have a scanner already, still boxed, i will hook that up and try the photo info, thanks for that lisa, i am glad we have a bright spark in the ranks to help us dunces out.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hey gang, checking in this morining all is well! Lots of rain last night. I was having trouble staying on line last night. Louisa, I hope your back feels better. Alan, thanks for the nice words...but I am not really a bright spark. I just have 'power surges' now and then! LOL! Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad you are fine and dandy Lisa and that you have come through the storm unscathed. Morning Alan, yes my back is giving me hell - it was all the repotting I did yesterday. Plants I have been babying to move into my new garden. So I don't think I will be here much today, too painful to sit for too long. Yes hubbie is American!! I have to go to Lowes this morning also and choose the last of the light fixtures, thank goodness. I shall be glad when it's all over. Saw the house yesterday and the beading had been put on the bathroom walls - it looks lovely! The wood floors were down, the French doors up and the fireplace in. Coming along very nicely. Asking DH to take a look at the photo thing and hopefully we will get something moving along today. Talk later - have a great day :-)

Alan - Cor blimey what a geezer. I really don't Adam it, you two and eight us cockneys ? And I fort you was a diamond too ! Just coz we take and give in Yorkshire doan mean we ain't Coke (the real thing). I just came over here from the other place where we have chatted before and now I'm Reynolds (hurt).
Off to sulk now. But first, hello everyone else, it's nice to be here (I think). TV programmes - more or less anything on BBC2 most of the time, absolutely nothing that involves the cult of celebrity worship and very little American stuff (sorry) although I like S.Trek, Buffy, Simpsons and half a dozen others. Hate chat shows or zoo TV like J Springer....
Strangely, I'm not very keen on gardening programmes since they all seem to be about makeovers and not gardening - except for Gardener's World of course.

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