'Jade' Crassula ovata picture contest

Valley Village, CA

If you send me your pictures, I will award a 'Jade' of your choice if your picture is chosen. Email me privately for my address so you may enter. This should be fun. What should be a good date for the contest to end. I want to give all of you time to enter. They can be bonsai, in dish gardens, of single in a pot. I will be judging on age 25%,(trunk size, rings) well grown 75%,(balance, color, shape) staging 5 points for tie breaking. Fuzzy pictures, will not get you a first place. The better I can see, the better I can judge. I do not judge pots.

Would be better if we could post pictures on here.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

hmm, i agree, what if we post on the photos forum? or maybe this would make it a disadvantage for those not able to post directly onto the net.. what do you think?

Valley Village, CA

We could do it both ways, what ever is easiet for the person entering. I just think it would be fun. Perhaps we can get Dave into this contest, it's his forum, and he should have the final word. I don't care if they are used in bonsai, dish gardens, single pots. What ever way you want to do it. Perhaps I'll have John Trager and a few other judges join in. I don't want to be biased, gosh I hope I spelled that correctly. I just mailed off a box of plants to Dave, he deserves them, he works so hard for us.


Ok Check out the photo forum. I am going to post one of my Jade's.:)

Valley Village, CA

Contest should end when? March 30 That should give all of you enough time. Dave, your included in this contest. How about it gang? We are judging your plant not your photo, so I want it up close and personal I want to see it all. If it is in flower, it will break a tie. If the container is clay or attractive it would break the tie. If the plant is dirty, no spider webs, no mealies,ants, it will get tossed out of the show. Age matters, growth rings are great. Girth of trunk is wonderful, color, if you even know the name, better. Care instructions will win you bonus points. I will not tell you your total points, it's not allowed.


Valley Village, CA

I've only received one picture, remember you only have until March 30. I would love to get at least six. Remember the tie will be a cutting of your choice of C. ovata out of my 22 forms. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Hi Norma. Is this on topic? I have a number of succulents, but here we can't generally buy from growers that supply names. I've taken pictures, put them on two cd's, -and can download them to here, or the plant i-d
page. where do you think would be best? I'd love if you experts could give me some names to go with faces.
Is this too presumptuous?
barbara (from british columbia)

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

You post the pictures we will try to figure out the names. None of us mind giving out the names. Actually it is something I enjoy doing. I've had plants for less than a year now, and it's amazing the amount of information you will learn. I have had to have almost all of my plants IDed here or other forums. It's great. The best way is to post them into the identification forum like you did last night, and then post a link over here letting us know where to go. We would most likely just look for your name if you can't link as of yet. But putting in a link helps and saves a few steps. All you have to do is copy the URL from above and then paste it here.

Best of luck in getting your plants identified. It's great to finally give them a name isn't it :o)

Valley Village, CA

Make sure when you know the name, pick them up each day, look them over, and call them by name, then you will learn.
In school, I couldn't pick up the kids and turn them over and check them out, but I did call them by name until I learned all 33 names in a week. The little devils, I learned their names first. The little Angles last.
That was a wonderful experience for me, I was just a teaching aid. Norma

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