Bean Disease ID help

Canyon Country, CA

Hello Everyone,

This is my first year planting beans and i have not been successful. I have planted a mix of Soy Beans, Climbing dry beans ( Anasazi bean) and Calypso/Yin Yang Beans and each have been subject to some disease that takes hold of the plants right about the time they are beginning to flower and set. My suspicion is that it is both Bean Yellow Mosaic virus and Bacterial Blight but would like help in confirming before next season to hopefully have better success.

I planted beans in the spring and that is when i first encountered the issue, in the fall i again planted in the same area but also 2 new areas; the original again had issues but the two new areas are growing without issue. This leads me to believe the issue is in the soil with is disappointing as i mixed that soil into other areas that now cannot be used for beans.

The symptoms are as follows: for Soy Beans effected the leaves simply just dried up, moving up the plant ( Second picture ). For Anasazi Beans the leaves dry along the edge of the leaves with a harsh yellow border, some yellow dots (first and third picture). Yin Yang Beans show only yellow dots on the leaves (fourth and fifth picture).

Thank you for any help

Thumbnail by jma86198 Thumbnail by jma86198 Thumbnail by jma86198 Thumbnail by jma86198 Thumbnail by jma86198
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I am no expert but the 2nd and 4th photo look like severe spider mite infestation to me.

The first and 3rd photo looks like this photo
Scroll down for diseases.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Here are 2 links that may help you trouble shooting.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

There is another culprit you may want to research...many people are using herbicide like Grazon on hay fields, this herbicide can cause residual damages for up to 5 years, and beans are what are used to test if the soil has cleaned up. The herbicide is great for hayfields, but shouldn't be used in vegetable gardens. The damage also looks like your beans- and images of tomatoes affected by these herbicides will make you cringe.

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