Planting a fall garden?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 17 votes:

Yes, if you count purchasing some mums.
(7 votes, 41%)
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I've planted fall brassicas like turnips and kale.
(2 votes, 11%)
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No, I'm busy keeping my summer garden going.
(6 votes, 35%)
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Will plant bulbs for spring. Does that count?
(1 votes, 5%)
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No fall garden here.
(1 votes, 5%)
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Previous Polls

Tobyhanna, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't really "plant" a Fall garden. I usually buy some potted mums to decorate the front porch and sometimes buy some bulbs to plant for spring bloom. Come October I will buy a large pumpkin too! Although the Fall season tends to short here in the Pocono Mountains of PA, it's my favorite time of the year. The changing colors of trees is what makes it so beautiful here! :-)

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