Sansevieria trifasciata, how often do you water?

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm just curious to see how often you all water yours. I water mine every 1-2 mos. Depending on when I remember to do it. I'm thinking it might actually benifit more water, but I don't want to rot it out. It's in a well lit area. Not bright light, yet not darkness. House temp is usually between 70 and 75 degrees F.
The water basically runs through it, so I know it is not sitting in their. I also have it raised off of the floor, so when I do water I put a pan underneath it, so it gets good circulation and there is no chance of me forgetting to remove the excess water. I have done that countless times, thus resulting in a plant rotting.
So what do you do?

Valley Village, CA

Holly, use well draining soil for the San. do not put a pan under the plant, they do not like wet feet. Keep water away from the base of the plant. During the cold months once every two months is fine. During the hot summers, please water once a week thoroughly once the temps are above 69F
The thicker the leaves the more cold they will tolerate, the thinner the leaves less, and very much less water. The S. hahnii group next to no water during the winter unless kept in the house which is very warm above 75F
Sans. love very hot weather. If more information is needed please write again. So much will depend on how you grow them, there is no set answear, I am giving you general rules. Use a pencil for a water meter. Use chop sticks, what about a finger? Use a popsicle stick.
You must cut down on your water for the two plants shown.

Valley Village, CA

Depends on your soil, and growing conditions, and species.

Yours, takes very little care, and in So.Calif. they can actually grow out side in our hot summer moringing sun.

Actually most are not tropical. They grow in dry areas of Africa. The elephants love to eat them as well as some of the natives. Not all are ediable.

Check the plant data base, please. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Holly I'm sorry, I don't consider the San. as tropicals, very few actully grow in the tropics especaillly the species that are available to any of us. I never dreamed that I would find them in that catagory. If kept warm they like weekly thorough waterings. I don't want to compound errors that Altman makes this is why everything is so confusing because of growers like him. Don't get me wrong Bob and Deena are nice people and at least don't put wrong names on their plants they just don't put any name which in the long run is better. But after 50 -60 years of this it becomes a problem. "Weeping Jade" really! It's a Senecio
jacobsonii and receives almost opposite care than the Crassula "Jade". When dealers on EBay put on screw ball names, as such, this really causes problems and teaches all of you incorrectly. It took me, Jeff, Karen a long time and bother to figure out what the lady was talking about so we could help her with her cultural problems. I'll try to be more careful in the future on the Data Base, it is not set up for us succulent people, so we must work around in my case underneath the form. I think I have gone in long winded details on the extra remarks. Norma

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Norma, I agree with you. It is a very confusinf succulent world out there. It's hard especially for beginners like me, who get their infor off of the internet, to get the right answers all of the time. Sometimes we wind up just more confused then we were to begin with. That's what I am thankful to you guys. You have the answers, the books, and the knowledge that most of us don't.
Yes the database really isn't set up for the succulents. I just get confused when I add to it. So I have just done mostly the names and thats it. Then add whatever info I have on it. The watering part always gets me, because While they are draught tolerant, in normal circumstances, they aren't drought tolerant for to to long. ANd they don't need regular watering either. So that is confusing, especially for someone who is new to succulents. And most often I have no idea how big they would get. Or what temps they can grow in, being that they are in the house for me. So I try to just figure what I do in the house. Explain it best I can, and I always try to put in a picture, because this way, at least they can verify what they have or don't have.
Thanks for all you and others do.

Valley Village, CA

Holly, after a while you will just send what a plant needs.
Good thorough waterings less often will be great. The soil must be fast draining. Start to fertilize in April. How hot do you keep your house? They do not like to get chilled, they will spot. Do not leave water in the bottom tray unless you have marbles for the pot to stand on. They do like high humidity. I have three in flower at this time.
These three probable come from So. Africa where their weather is the opposite of ours. You may want to try and save rain water, most of the plants respond well, they are not cityfied and don't like our water. Just don't overdo it.Norma

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