Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi to all. Just to let you all know, if you don't already. I do have a virus on my computer. Did not know until last nite. I am using my boyfriends computer to let all know. If you get an email from me, DO NOT OPEN. Please let other people know. I am on my way to HD to get an Anti Virus cleaner. Sorry to anyone that has received emails from me. DebK

12/3/01 NORTON'S ANTI VIRUS is wonderful. My boyfriend and I purchased it yesterday and worked on my computer for 3 hours. Also, please note I do not send emails w/attachments. Sorry to anyone that received the emails. Debbie

This message was edited Monday, Dec 3rd 11:23 AM

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i got it Debbie, but don't worry i didn't open it. Good too see you're getting it sorted out. just be careful about what you download. NEVER open any mail from a name you don't recognise and any attachments that look a bit dodgy, ie. with different endings such as NEWS DOC.DOC.src. are bound to be a virus attachment.


Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

lil, the message i received was from someone in one of the garden clubs that I knew. Didn't open the attachment, bit me anyway. All worked out now. Norton's Anti Virus quarantined it. thanks for your support. Deb

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