How late can I plant turnips in zone 4/5?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I want to postpone planting turnips as long as possible to wait for the flea beetles to subside. How late can I wait?


Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

They probably won't do well planted in the heat. At this point you would probably be better off waiting until late summer and planting them as a fall crop. Next year plant one or two test plants ever so often, to see how the insects are doing. Flea beetles do not like artemisia or catnip. Unfortunately, those are both perennials and I have not found a good way to interplant them with annual vegetables - and they have to be close to deter flea beetles. You might try marigolds and coriander/cilantro. Coriander has to be succession planted but the blossoms do attract tiny beneficial insects.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Thanks! Will try these ideas.

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