Plant propagation - the Basics, April 2017

Oxdrift, Canada

Great idea Ju, using a washing machine drum for a composer. And congrats on the blueberry blossoms.

Fort Worth, TX

that is a great idea. They also make really interesting fire barrels. Saw one being used on a desert night in Nevada on my way back from china ranch, and went oh yeah, if I ever decide I need a firepit, how to keep the sparks in.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

New plants to set :n ground tonite, yellow znnia, thyme, basil, gazania, snapdrqgon, and last, volunteer thai basil

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Great plant seedlings Katt , Here the Buckeye Butterflies go for the Snapdragons ,

Thanks all for the idea response , Did not get finished today ,

Fort Worth, TX

alright, veggie garden - tomatoes almost all in pots, one in the corn row where a seed failed.

pears on my tree in pic 5

This message was edited Apr 15, 2017 10:58 AM

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love the composter, Ju. You are so clever! really an Amaryllis bloomed for you, Gypsy? I think I might be jealous.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Debra and Thank you ,

Getting my stuff done slow
Here are some plants here
1 My own hard seeded Zinnia
2 Tulip , only opening today
3 An Iris getting ready to bloom
4 from you Debra , the Red Monarda
5 My gizmo to speed up the chopping ,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

Amaryllis grow almost wild here Debra. If there is a clear space around them they multiply. A customer gave me one bulb back in about 2006. I took my daughter 4 when she bought her house in 2009, she has 15 plants now.

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I need a shredder gizmo, I could get mulch instead of garden debris.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, got plants in ground this evening. About did me in, knees feel like I fell on them and scraped them. Tried a trick with newspaper around the hole I set them in, hoping it will slow down the water draining so fast. Shadow cat caught a skink that tripped me out- he was one of the bigger ones, and the orange is typical mating colors, my tiny male hummingbird has returned the day after I set out the feeder, I knew he was back when I bumped it this morning and the sugar water burped a bubble. He is patiently perched on it whenever we arent on the porch, so I suspect he is tired and hungry. I will get shots tomorro if I get a chance, Happy Easter everyone!

Thumbnail by kittriana
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Happy Easter- everyone. I am so glad I get to see you all. I am going to send you this bulb, then Gypsy cuz it ain't doing nothing for me here. I have Monarchs everywhere going after the honeysuckles, lilacs, even the columbines. That means time to gt the hummer feeders out. I watched a monarch on one last year, it was really hungry.
Gizmo' looks great Ju as do your baby plants! so,Gypsy, one dahlia and one amaryllis heading your way, and please take it easy!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Those hummers, the Basil Black Patina - that 'something' found too tasty to spare me leaves before it was even planted, grrrr. Rethinking where I had planned to plant one. I have seen a very few butterflys, not like several years past, hopefully all these blue jays and cardinals will leave them alone if they do wander thru. Time to de straw the Sago I think. Time to go, Happy Easter everyone- hope your day is full of joy!

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Fort Worth, TX

The monarchs were in my chinaberry tree, just all over the top of it on the blooms about 2.5 weeks ago. Good to know where they went. I will give the bulbs a good home Debra and thank you

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

a late (sort of ) Happy Easter to you all
Doing several things , more pictures later

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Ju!!!!! My Milkweeds are up!!!! they are the ones from your seed packet three years ago. Thanks you!! I am waiting to see if my pink Cinderella and white show up. and Of course my orange native milkweed. Son got the stuff out of the garage to the front and the stuff from the front to the back, except the plumeria went out back, and has not been out front yet, so it will get sunburned I am sure. Joe is gimping around with a hurt heel so no banana coming out until next week..

Fort Worth, TX

One thing at a Time. I lost a lot of plants to a freeze when I had just had surgery in December. Can't figure out where I got them now. Happy Easter

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Well, I have a lot of plants to give away. This cape honeysuckle for one..tons of these Alocasias, all the plants i this aquarium are rooted now. no where to go , tho.
this Mexican ruella ( purple) and this syngonium..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That is good to hear Debra ,
My seed luck is fair this year . returning plants only the Penstemon the Coreopsis the yellow native , the Monarda
and the iris .. everything else is so , so ,
Pretty plants Debra

Good going on wildlife and Joyful looks Katt Love the pics all

Fort Worth, TX

I don't need anymore ruella, that is for sure. what is the one with the heart shaped leaves?

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

I took advantage of the beautiful 70 degrees weather today as the wind was blowing nice and cool. I refreshed all my vegetable containers by dumping the soil them in the wheelbarrow , added compost and fertilizer and refill them so they will be ready to put in my plants next week . The daffodils and tulips are popping up nicely.

Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Flowers are Beautiful !!! cytf
Thing is ,, my world view is upside down ,,,

and besides the iffy humor ,, it is nice outside !
apple blossom
Fringe Tulip
Tulip about to open
Achillea The Pearl seedling

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

70 sounds wonderful, heading for mid 80's to 90 here at the end of this week. 70 and drizzling a little now but I'm on bookkeeping.

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
Oxdrift, Canada

Enjoying all the photos all. I have a new phone and am having to learn all over with saving, croping and sharing. This is all I have for now but need to experiment. Went with son in law and grandkids hunting for moose antler sheds. Had an awesome day. Here goes. Took an hour to figure out how to crop this. Don't know if I remember how to do it sgain

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Fort Worth, TX

what are you going to do with all those antlers? (and very good picture by the way with some amazing grandchildren. )

Oxdrift, Canada

My son in law hangs them up in his shed. I brought 3 home. Wendy found the biggest and it was very fresh. Steve told her it was not allowed in a flower bed so I guess I will find a spot on a garage wall. The other 2 will probably show up in a flower bed somewhere. We found 20 all together. Really hot spot where there is lots of winter food for the moose. It's the area where Steve and I hunt in the fall.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2017 6:59 AM

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

I was just thinking the same thing that you are so creative that you will incorporate them in the garden design. Have fun with the Antlers.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Great story Kieth more Anticipated ,.

Debra The Monarda one sprig .. is now about five different groupings , here , there at random ,
1-4 Monarda all different places
5 Milkweed sprout Debra Me Too !!! lol smiley

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

My brother lives in a city apartment and is a real nature nut. He's disabled now and can't make the excursions but he loved/loves to carve antler sheds. What a haul Keith! You must be proud of the girls, what a blessing they are!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from Gypsi :
I don't need anymore ruella, that is for sure. what is the one with the heart shaped leaves?

that is alocasia I have momma and all her babies, and the last plant is a syngonium.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow Keith, amazing photo you have of your girls. I bet you are so proud! Beautiful!
Ju, we do love our sprouts, don't we? well, the plumeria is blow to heck with her leaves all burned and flying around as I expected. *SIGH*

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes Debra Sprouts Forever . lol
A Parrot Tulip that Tried .

Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

those tulips do much better up north - beautiful Ju.

Oxdrift, Canada

Thanks all for feedback on the moose sheds. Another "off the wall" topic by Keith. What are you going to do when you live where spring doesn't come til July. Haha!
Back on topic:
You win some and you lose some. A few weeks back I wasted a whole package of Tumbler Impatiens seeds because I was cheaping out on heat in the basement. Maybe that is where I should have been using the heat mat. Luckily I turned the heat up before I seeded my pack of 250 Accent Deep Orange Impatiens. I transplanted them yesterday and got 257 seedlings. Pretty decent germination when you get the heat right. Tough achieving that when you share the house with a wife that has hot flashes!!!!
Big day coming up on Saturday. It's my annual trip to the big city of Winnipeg to pick up new babies for cutting stock for the greenhouse. I'm like a kid waiting for Santa. Probably won't get a wink of sleep tomorrow night. My oldest daughter usually goes with me but Kira has a karate tournament so she is tied up. My youngest daughter will be riding shotgun this time and we will drop Wendy off in Kenora on the way through to spend the day with the other grandchildren there.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Keith ~ Are you a wholesale grower?

Oxdrift, Canada

No, just a hobby gardener out of control. By the time I can plant out in early June my 16 ft x 28ft greenhouse will be bursting at the seams. I love annuals because you can totally start over with a new pallet every year, but I'm 65 in July so it's just about time to start turning a bit of it into perennials.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

For the past 3 years my Hubby and I have been taking care of the Church Garden.We did a Spring cleaning and the flowers are really bursting up with color.

Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf Thumbnail by cytf
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Very pretty Cytf, that's such a spring treat.

Oxdrift, Canada

Good job Cytf

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Add me to the beautiful comment! Thank you for the flowers and sprouts! It was a shock coming back north after being in Houston for most of the week. It's almost as if I stepped back in time- from summer back into late winter.

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